Assign New Role and Permission to User

Assign New Role and Permission to User

  • Login Instruction

Go to SEKO360 website > URL: https://www.seko360.com/default.aspx

Then, enter the provided Username and Password then click the “Sign In” button.

Note: If no Login details please ask our support members for assistance.

  • User Account

Logged as Admin User then go to Admin Tab > Control Panel > User Accounts.

User must select a relevant user by searching a username or full name then click the "Search" button.

Then after selecting the user, click the Permission icon beside the "Clone" icon.

To proceed, click the button “Assign New Role”.

Select new role under DC Operations, Sample Role: “Wave Picking Admin” and then click the Assign button.

  • Unassign Role to User

To unassign role from the user, user must click the button “Unassign”.

  • Edit Users Permission

To edit a user’s permission, user must click the button “Edit User Permissions”.
Then, user will be redirected to Edit User Permissions page.

User must select a module and expand, then tick/untick the check boxes of the permission.

User may also copy a role permission, by clicking the button “Copy Role Permissions”.

To continue in copying the permission, user must select a role/s then click the button “Copy” to proceed and if not, user must click the Cancel button.

  • User Management

Logged as Admin User then go to Admin Tab > Control Panel > User Management.

The first step in creating a new role, user must select a company in the dropdown menu.

Then, after selecting a company, user must click the “+” icon to expand and click the sample department created which is the “DC Operations” to show the menu in creating a new role.

  • Add New Role

To add a new role, user must click the “Add New Role” button.

Then, user must enter the new Role Name and click the Save button to continue in adding, and if not, click the Cancel button.

To continue, user must assign a permission in the created role.

In assigning a permission, user must click the created role, then select and expand the module.

Sample Role: Wave Picking Admin
Module: Wave Picking

To complete the process, user must tick the check box/es in assigning a permission to the new role’s module.

  • Edit Role

To edit a role, user must click the “Edit Current Role” button.

Then, user must enter a role name and click the Save button to continue with the changes, and if not, click the Cancel button.

To edit the assigned role’s permission, user can tick/untick the check boxes permissions module.

  • Delete Role

To delete a role, user must click the “Delete Current Role” button.

Then a prompt message will be encountered by the user, to continue in deleting the role, user must click the “Yes” button, and if not, click the “No” button.