iHub Generic Services User Site

iHub Generic Services User Site

Log In to iHub Site

Test Environment: https://ihub-uat.seko360.com/

Live Environment: https://ihub.seko360.com

Select User account in the Header dropdown for multiple Identities/user entitlements.

If user has only one identity, dropdown is not visible.

ihub userpanel.png

Settings Menu

ihub userpipelines.png

Create Pipeline Groups (optional)

Pipeline Group helps in organizing various pipelines into groups for easier identification.

Part I - Group Details

  1. Click on Settings Menu → Pipeline Groups

  2. Click “Create New” Button on the bottom of the right pane

  3. Type the Name of the Service Provider

  4. Click SAVE button

ihub GS pipeG part1.gif

Part II - Notifications

  1. “Notifications” Tab will be visible after completing details in Part I

  2. Add Email address where to receive notifications (success or failure)

  3. Add Data items (e.g. order ID, SKU, etc) to include into notifications.

The syntax for referencing ‘data items’ should be: { $.trigger.data.abc.def },

where abc.def are the object properties in the request body.

e.g. Name: SKU Data path: {$.trigger.data.inventory_item_id}

  1. Click SAVE button

ihub GS pipeG part2.gif

Add Client Credentials

Some Service Providers requires unique credentials for each client which are configured based on credential Type.

  1. Click on Settings Menu → Credentials

  2. Click “Create New” Button on the bottom of the right pane

  3. Type the Name of Credentials for a specific Service Provider

  4. Select Authentication Type and Fill in details/data needed

Authentication details may vary depending on Credential Type:

*Generate Access Token or API keys for 3rd party apps like Shopify (Generic Http)

*Add service ID (Generic Http)

*Add username and password (Basic Http)

*Add connection string ( for SQL/database)

  1. Click SAVE button


ihub GS User credentials.gif

Create Client Endpoints

Endpoints are specific URLs or network addresses where the Service Provider can be accessed. They serve as entry points for the pipeline to interact with the external service.

Click on Settings Menu → Endpoints

If this menu is not visible, zoom out the window to see all sub-menus is SETTINGS

  1. Click “Create New” Button on the bottom of the right pane

  2. Type the Name of the Endpoint

  3. Select Type Value (HTTP or SQL)

  4. Select Provider

  5. Type HOST (Domain for HTTP or Server endpoint for a SQL)

  6. Select Default Credentials

  7. Click SAVE button

Client Endpoint.gif

Add Service Provider Credentials

Click on Settings Menu → Service Provider Credentials

If this menu is not visible, zoom out the window to see all sub-menus is SETTINGS

  1. Click Create New + icon

  2. Select Service Provider

  3. Select Endpoint

  4. Select Credentials

  5. Click SAVE button

Client SP Credentials.gif

Set Up Client Task Group (optional)

Task Group is a template of action steps that can be used in creating pipelines for easier configuration.

Once Task Group is created, it will become one of the Task Type or Action Step option in creating Pipeline.

  1. Click on Settings Menu → Task Groups

Task Group Menu is only available for Admin account

  1. Click “Create New” Button on the bottom of the right pane

  2. Type the Name of the Task Group and Click SAVE button

  3. Configure Pipeline by clicking the Pipeline Edit field

  4. Add Pipeline Action Steps

  5. Click SAVE button

Click EXPORT Button to Export a Task Group in .json file

Click IMPORT Button to copy file


Set Up Pipelines

Part I - Pipeline Details

  1. Click on Settings Menu → Pipelines

  2. Click “Create New” Button on the bottom of the right pane

  3. Add Pipeline Name

  4. Select Pipeline Template. Leave blank if no template needed/Create new.

Pipeline Template is configured at Admin site

  1. Toggle “IsActive” to enable (YES) and disable (NO) a Pipeline

  2. Click SAVE button

  3. Select Pipeline Group (optional)

  4. Configure TRIGGER then SAVE

  5. Configure PIPELINE then SAVE


ihub GS Pipeline details.gif
Pipeline Part I of III

Scriban is a scripting languange and a versatile tool for creating dynamic messages and content in applications.

Here is a Scriban Tutorial.

SEE More Examples here: Pipeline Trigger & Action Steps Examples

Import and Export a Pipeline

Enable user to export/import pipelines from one client to another and from one environment (UAT → Live) to another.

  1. Click IMPORT Button and select a file to import

  1. tClick EXPORT Button to Export a Pipeline in .json file

export Pipeline.png


Part II - Pipeline Variables

  1. “Pipeline Variables” Tab will be visible after completing details in Part I

  2. Click “Create New”

  3. Select Client or Pipeline

Pipeline variables are specific to a single pipeline and are shared between its runs.

Client variables are accessible across all pipelines for a client, allowing shared values between multiple pipelines.

  1. Fill in Variable Name and Value. Specify the requirements based on the pipeline’s function.

  2. Click SAVE button

  3. Repeat steps if needed


ihub GS pipelineVariables.gif

Part III - Notifications (optional)

  1. “Notifications” Tab will be visible after completing details in Part II

  2. Add Email address where to receive notifications (success or failure)

  3. Add Data items (e.g. order ID, SKU, etc) to include into notifications.

The syntax for referencing ‘data items’ should be: { $.trigger.data.abc.def },

where abc.def are the object properties in the request body.

e.g. Name: SKU object: inventory_item_id

Data path: {$.trigger.data.inventory_item_id}


ihub GS pipeline NOtification.gif


TEST Pipeline

1. Manual Pipeline Run

Click “Run Now” button to Test all steps in a Pipeline

2. Dry Run Task

Click “Dry Run” button to test specific task


Export Pipeline

Click “Export” button to export in json file


Pipeline Runs

  1. Click on Pipeline Runs Menu to Monitor History and execution of Pipelines

  2. Use search Filters and click “APPLY” button

  3. Click “VIEW” button to Check errors and View details of activity

  4. Activity will show Green if successful or Red X if failed

ihub GS pipeline runs.gif


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