Draft Bookings
Draft Bookings are partially completed shipments that haven't been sent to SEKO Origin yet.
Booking has been created but not yet submitted.
Bookings are created via:
1. DCM Vendor Portal Interface under Bookings Menu - Booking ADD
Uploaded via iHub Generic services (Load Bookings)
Review and Finalize
Regularly check the Draft Bookings Task tile.
You can either complete or request to cancel these bookings.
Once a booking is sent to SEKO Origin, you cannot make changes to PO numbers, quantities, or shipment details directly in the system. Any necessary changes should be communicated directly to your SEKO Origin contact.
Click Draft Bookings Task tile to show Draft List. Use Search Panel to filter specific bookings.
Click + icon to expand/collapse to show PO Line number details
Click pencil icon to edit and complete Draft Booking
Click Bin icon to delete the Booking
Pending Shipment Instructions (SI)
Once SEKO Origin office have added in the shipment details (including mode of shipment) and Shipment is approved by the client, it will appear in the "Pending Shipment Instructions" Task tile.
This List Bookings that have been submitted (Shipments created) but can still be amended before the final submit
The "Pending Shipment Instructions" data is auto-populated from your original booking and details must be completed. (See Booking List)
Finalize the packing list quantity of the goods that you are shipping.
Please follow the specific instructions provided for each types of shipments load - Vendor Load and CFS load.
Vendor Load Booking Type
Vendor is responsible for loading the goods into the Full Load Container, also known as a container yard-container yard (CY/CY) shipment and providing the container details to SEKO.
Container Details:
Provide details of the containers used, including number, size, and seal number.
Packing Information:
Specify which PO items are packed into each container.
Ensure the total quantity packed matches the total quantity on the POs.
When completing a Vendor Load, there will be “Container” and “Packing” Section to Fill out.
These tabs are not visible for CFS Load.
CFS Load Booking Type
SEKO's warehouse or a designated CFS (Consolidation and Forwarding Station) will handle the loading of goods into containers.
Start on the Booking form Tab/Section
Check each box if correct and amend any details if changes have been made
Ensure Marks and numbers and Description of goods matches carton markings
Complete all checks /updates and select “Next” to move onto the next tab
Now you will complete the Goods Details tab
Amend any details that have changed, Cartons, cbm, PO’s Kgs etc
Save any changes Before you move onto the next tab
Select “Next” for Select Orders, this will show you how many PO lines you have already selectd
Do you have to add any more orders ?
Yes- If you need to add in any orders not already on this shipment, search the PO and then select “Upload/Pack Purchase Order”
No – move onto next tab Confirm Quantities
For any new PO picked, it will show a Zero QTY for Booked and Shipping, you must manually update the required shipped amount. As this PO was not on the original booking that was sent for Client approval.
Confirm Quantities - the Shipped QTY with automatically default to your booked QTY
If this has changed you MUST update the shipped QTY
You cannot also ship a ZERO QTY this is highlighted in red and there is a Pop Up advising you to update
You can update QTY or Delete the line using the small “Bin” icon on the line
If your clients has requested in their Supplier manual to update the Shipped cartons / cbm / Net Kgs per line, please complete (these are not mandatory)
The Shipped Quantity in Packing of containers, must match your Packing list 100%
When completed select Save to ensure all your updates are added
If completed move onto the next tab – Upload Documents
Uploading Documents
Upload Documents – you must upload your
Final Packing List
Commercial Invoice
Select Upload Docs, search for the documents
When documents selected you will receive a pop up and using the drop-down selection confirm the applicable document uploading
Then select upload
Repeat this process until all documents are uploaded
Now I can view all the documents that I have uploaded, again I can use the “Bin” icon to delete if I have made a mistake and uploaded the incorrect document
Move onto next and final tab when you have checked all documents are correct
As with the booking stage, you must double check all the information on the last page prior to hitting Submit
After you submit you cannot make any changes, your QTY and Final Packing list must be 100% accurate
Your client will be viewing this data for Supplier Compliance going forward
When you select Submit it will be sent to local SEKO office
After you submit the shipment a confirmation of shipment reference and the local SEKO branch the shipment was sent to is advised
View my shipment on the Booking list
Shipments Pending Documents
This Task tile lists all Shipments created from the Vendors bookings where either the Commercial Invoice or the Packing Lists have not been uploaded yet.
Click “Shipments Pending Documents” Task tile to View Shipment status, details and Upload Pending Documents.
specific users will be given permission to View this Task tile Vendor Document Tracking
Helps to monitor the status of crucial shipping documents associated with each shipment. It provides visibility into the document lifecycle, from creation to receipt, ensuring timely submission and preventing potential delays in the shipping process.
Document types for tracking:
Packing List (Factory Packing List & Spare Part Packing List)
Commercial Invoice (Factory Invoice & Commercial Invoice & Spare Part Commercial Invoice)
Document Status:
Green Check Mark - Indicates that the document has been received and is complete.
Amber Warning - Indicates that the document is overdue and requires immediate attention.
🕐 Clock - Indicates that the document is pending and has not yet been received.
Documents are Overdue if they have not been attached and:
2 days have elapsed since due/CoB for Packing List and Commercial Invoice documents
5 days have elapsed since due/CoB for Housebill/Airwaybill documents
Upload Pending Documents:
Click Upload icon
Select file in your drive to upload
Select document Type
Click Upload button
Once all documents have been uploaded, Shipment will be removed from this List