HTTP Trigger
An HTTP trigger is a mechanism that starts a pipeline when an HTTP request is received.
This can be:
different methods (Post, Get, Put, Delete, Patch) or request from another application
a webhook from 3rd party app or software
a manual trigger via a web interface
Pipeline: Push Dispatch Confirmation
Trigger: POST
Action steps: Transform (using Scriban Template)+ Loop Task (Call Service Provider) + Transform (using Scriban Template)+ Loop Task (Call Service Provider)
Special Variables for Data Access in a Transformer Step:
{{ }}
to access the output from a previous task.Use
{{ }}
to access the original request data.
Cron Trigger
A CRON trigger in a pipeline is used to schedule automated tasks at specific times or intervals. It uses a specific syntax to define the schedule for running tasks.
Pipeline: Create Manifest
Trigger: schedule to run at midnight on the 17th day of every month, any day of the week
Action steps: Transform (using Scriban Template)+ Call Service Provider (TMS)
The CRON syntax consists of five fields representing different time units:
Minute (0-59)
Hour (0-23)
Day of the Month (1-31)
Month (1-12)
Day of the Week (0-7, where both 0 and 7 represent Sunday)
For example, the CRON expression 0 1 * * MON
means the task will run at 1 AM every Monday.
Service Provider Trigger
A service provider trigger initiates a pipeline when a specific event occurs in the service.
Pipeline: Load Sales Order
Trigger: Start Task once Shopify order is PAID {Shopify webhook + service order paid}
Action steps: Transform using Scriban Template (Load Sales Order Mapping) + Call Service Provider (Seko360 Load Sales Order)
Pipeline Trigger
Setting up a pipeline trigger within another pipeline allows you to automate workflows by chaining pipelines together. The new pipeline will start after the completion of the pipeline trigger depending on the status set.
Filter Task
A Filter Task is used to filter a collection of items based on specified criteria. This is useful when you need to process only a subset of data that meets certain conditions.
Loop Task
A Loop Task allows you to repeat a set of actions for each item in a collection. This is useful for scenarios where you need to perform the same operation on multiple items.
Fork Task
A Fork Task is used to split the execution flow into multiple parallel branches. This is useful when you need to perform different tasks simultaneously.