Title: | RedNA Release Notes (Sprint 14 -17) | |
Owner: | James Windsor | |
Creator: | James Windsor | Sept 06, 2022 |
Last Changed by: | Colin.Gehrke | Nov 15, 2022 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://seko.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYBmgw | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (14)
HAWB: Pickup and Delivery: Add Zones
Batch Routing: Update Del Zone to show Carrier Agents Zip Code info
HAWB: Appointment Start and End time default
Batch Routing: Update Origin Dropdown to show User Location Access
Carrier: Customer Exclusive Tariffs
Auto Cost Update for Agents
HAWB/MAWB: Update the Ability to remove a HAWB or MAWB from each other when finalized
Ability to print LTL Lot labels from MAWB recovery board
Ability to Batch enter PU and DEL Agents in Red NA HAWBS
Rate Guides: Agent Rates: Show Agents with Matching Zip
HAWB: Pickup and Delivery: Add Zones
Batch Routing: Update Del Zone to show Carrier Agents Zip Code info
HAWB: Appointment Start and End time default
Batch Routing: Update Origin Dropdown to show User Location Access
Carrier: Customer Exclusive Tariffs
Auto Cost Update for Agents
HAWB/MAWB: Update the Ability to remove a HAWB or MAWB from each other when finalized
Ability to print LTL Lot labels from MAWB recovery board
Ability to Batch enter PU and DEL Agents in Red NA HAWBS
Rate Guides: Agent Rates: Show Agents with Matching Zip
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