Voucher codes can be generated and issued to customers, to allow them to create a free return (ie they will not be required to pay for the label).
Once issued to the customer, they simply enter the ‘Voucher Code’ into the client facing portal.
To create a ‘Voucher Code’ please follow the steps below:
Click on ‘Authorised Returns’ on the left side menu.
You will see “Authorised Returns” page with following tabs: a. File Upload b. Generate Free Code(s) c. Free Code(s) List
Click on the ‘Generate Free Code(s)’ tab.
Choose the required ‘Hub’ from the drop-down menu or select ‘All’. This field determines where the ‘Voucher Code’ will work. If ‘All’ is selected, the ‘Voucher Code’ will work in all locations.
Enter the number of vouchers required and click on ‘Generate Autho Code’.
Now click on the ‘Free Code(s) List’ tab to view the codes.
Enter the correct date range and press ‘Search’. Your code/s will be displayed. Codes can be exported at any time. Multiple codes can be generated and exported.
If your own customised codes are required, the ‘File Upload’ option is also available.
Simply select the ‘’Hub’ from the drop down, ‘Browse’ and ‘Upload’ the selected file
NOTE: The ‘Voucher Code’ section of the client facing returns portal can be hidden. Please contact your account manager to request this change.