[bcc: All Stations, Corp.ITA, Corp.Remote, Seko Domestic Operations, Seko Intl Operations, Overseas, OceanOps, USAsales, EMEAsales, Station Owners, Station Managers, SekoUKStaff, SekoAPAC, Omni All, Seko IT]
Please read in its entirety the following message from Ocean Product USA & Global Operational Strategy & Excellence :
Global Rate Management Platform Update Welcome to week 5 of our transition to the Magaya / Catapult RMS system for SEKO!
Regarding: FMC Compliance – Magaya – Tariff Rate Items (TRI)
Attn: SEKO Ocean Operations
This week will have the release of several enhancements including the base functionality for Air density. The Air density functionality will be available for active users but is also waiting on a second enhancement for rounding which should be available the week of the 17th at the latest.
Please Be Advised
Current usage of the system has been generating some good results regarding rate queries, quotes created, and win ratio. As we finalize the CW1 integration and continue working the enhancement for Air, FMC filing, and surcharges the expectation is we will continue to see an increase in activity and win ratio securing more business for SEKO. Note: Bansard integration to CW is projected to be completed in late June.
For support, active users can use the Magaya support desk or contact your regional product Magaya support teams listed below. Users should continue to test and work with the system so we can complete the full transition. Product owners & respective super users should also be communicating to their respective users on possible workarounds and escalating any issues that may occur.
Thank you to all the users and SEKO employees that are working on this accelerated deployment to make sure we have a fully functional and dynamic Rate Management system for our field and customer standardization on rating and quoting.
If you have any questions or areas of improvement, please reach out to your product leadership in region.
The current list of super users by workstream are as follows:
Commercial |
| Air |
| Ocean |
Marisol Obando |
| Christopher Gregg |
| Angelica Velazquez |
Kristyn Rostan |
| Loic Benattar |
| Jessie Luedin |
Emily Nanni |
| James Frost |
| Munirah Williams |
Tushar Gawde |
| Michael Bennett |
| Sophie Kocet |
Jasmine Wall |
| Jenny Wong |
| Guillaume Garnier |
Linda McSloy |
| Hara Lo |
Laura Mutukrisna |
| Pia Lam |
Enhancement and mayor deliverable updates:
Function | Item | Status | Due for Completion |
Rate Search | Current Search functionality for Air & Ocean (FCL & LCL) is Live, including spot rates from ocean carriers and Cargo AI (for users who have requested this token in line with Air Product) | Completed |
FMC Filing | Instructions & Webinars for Training including Video have been sent out (SEKO Learn updated with mandatory OPS Training) | Completed |
Quoting to Clients | Customer Data Load from Salesforce – A large number of customers are now available in the system – additional will be loaded as identified. | Completed |
User Registration | Our 1st group of 485 users has been completed and a second round of users were given sign on capability but many were missing information for tokens and API's. Future requests will be on hold until the new user request platform goes into production (we will include on weekly update when ready. | Completed | New user processing is on-hold for review |
Ocean Spot Rates | 1st & 2nd Group of Users now have access in their profile to enter credentials for Ocean spot rates. | Completed |
Integration to CW1 | Integration is being tested and more information will be provided as we hit the next milestone, training material will be provided once we are ready to Go live | In Testing |
Bansard transition to CW1 | Bansard transition to CW1 is in progress | In progress | June 30th |
Sell side Surcharges (Ocean & Air) | Countries are to be uploading their sell side origin & destination surcharges | In progress | 31 April 2023 |
Air Density Enhancement | This enhancement is being enhanced with the adjustment factor - with first load and enhancement May 3rd, full release will be May 17th. | In progress | 17-May-23 |
NRA Enhancements |
| In progress | See Dates by Description |