On this page:
6.1 Consignment Delete API
Requires Authentication
A valid access Key must be provided in access_key request header.
POST labels/delete
This function allows your system to check the status of connotes that have been created, or delete consignments that have previously been created and have been cancelled.
6.2 Parameters
The body of the message should be sent as a JSON array.
A JSON list of consignment numbers.
A Maximum of 50 consignments can be deleted per call.
6.3 Return format
JSON object array, with consignment number and associated outcome.
Valid outcome states are:
Invalid ticket number.
Cannot be deleted. Already deleted.
Cannot be deleted. Already delivered.
Cannot be deleted. Already in transit.
Cannot be deleted. Already manifested.
6.4 Example Request
Live: https:// api.omniparcel.com/labels/delete
Staging /Test: https:// staging.omniparcel.com/labels/delete
access_key: [access_key_for_site_account] Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
[ "SSPOT014115", "SSPOT014114", "SSPOT014113", "SSPOT014112" ]
{ "SSPOT014112": "Deleted", "SSPOT014113": "Deleted", "SSPOT014114": "Cannot be deleted. Already deleted.", "SSPOT014115": "Cannot be deleted. Already in transit." }
Http 409 – Max consignment limit 50 exceeded.