6.0 Consignment Delete API
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6.1 Consignment Delete API
Requires Authentication
A valid access Key must be provided in access_key request header.
POST labels/delete
This function allows your system to check the status of connotes that have been created, or delete consignments that have previously been created and have been cancelled.
A connote can only be deleted prior to being manifested. Once a consignment has been manifested it is considered as being in transit, and can therefore not be deleted.
6.2 Parameters
The body of the message should be sent as a JSON array.
A JSON list of consignment numbers.
A Maximum of 50 consignments can be deleted per call.
6.3 Return format
JSON object array, with consignment number and associated outcome.
Valid outcome states are:
Invalid ticket number.
Cannot be deleted. Already deleted.
Cannot be deleted. Already delivered.
Cannot be deleted. Already in transit.
Cannot be deleted. Already manifested.
6.4 Example Request
Live: https:// api.omniparcel.com/labels/delete
Staging /Test: https:// staging.omniparcel.com/labels/delete
access_key: [access_key_for_site_account]
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"SSPOT014112": "Deleted",
"SSPOT014113": "Deleted",
"SSPOT014114": "Cannot be deleted. Already deleted.",
"SSPOT014115": "Cannot be deleted. Already in transit."