9.0 Common OmniParcel API error messages

9.0 Common OmniParcel API error messages

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Common OmniParcel System Errors

If any of the below error messages are received, they should generally be able to be resolved by updating the field (UI) or API parameter (API) as per the error message and resubmitting the request.


Error message

Common cause


Error message

Common cause

Consignment Creation API


Request parameter is not in proper json

The API request format is invalid


Sender-Name Is required

Sender/origin name has been left blank and must be populated


Sender-Phone Number Is required

Sender/origin phone number has been left blank and must be populated


Sender-Email Is required

Sender/origin email has been left blank and must be populated


Origin: Suburb/City/Postcode is not valid

An incorrect suburb/city/postcode combination has been provided. Double check the details and if you are sure they are correct, contact our support team for additional information


Invalid StreetAddress. This carrier Should not accept Non-English Character

Origin or sender address contains non-English characters, which are not accepted by this carrier


Invalid Building Name. This carrier Should not accept Non-English Character

Origin or sender address contains non-English characters, which are not accepted by this carrier


Invalid StreetName. This carrier Should not accept Non-English Character

Origin or sender address contains non-English characters, which are not accepted by this carrier


Invalid StreetNo. This carrier Should not accept Non-English Character

Origin or sender address contains non-English characters, which are not accepted by this carrier


Invalid Suburb. This carrier Should not accept Non-English Character

Origin or sender address contains non-English characters, which are not accepted by this carrier


Invalid City/State. This carrier Should not accept Non-English Character

Origin or sender address contains non-English characters, which are not accepted by this carrier


Invalid PostCode. This carrier Should not accept Non-English Character

Origin or sender address contains non-English characters, which are not accepted by this carrier











Receiver-Name Is required

Receiver/destination name has been left blank and must be populated


Receiver-Address Is required

Receiver/destination address has been left blank and must be populated


Receiver-Email Is required

Receiver/destination email has been left blank and must be populated


Receiver-Phone Number Is required

Receiver/destination phone number has been left blank and must be populated


Destination: Suburb is required

Suburb has been left blank and must be populated


Destination: City is required

Suburb has been left blank and must be populated


Destination: PostCode is required

Postcode has been left blank and must be populated


Destination: Suburb/City/Postcode is not valid

An incorrect suburb/city/postcode combination has been provided. Double check the details and if you are sure they are correct, contact our support team for additional information


Invalid Receiver Name

Check receiver name field


Invalid ABN/ARN number provided. Please ensure only numbers are used. (If VendorId not blank)

Tax ID information is missing and must be populated


Please provide valid CostCentre.

Invalid cost centre has been provided


Only 1 currency allowed for commodities declaration

Multiple currencies have been included in the API request. Additional commodities must be removed


For import/export the minimum commodities value allowed is $0.01

You are trying to create a consignment with a commodity valued at less than 0.01. Update the commodity value to 0.01 or more and try again


Commodity Line{0} : Missing description

Commodity description is missing and must be populated


Commodities: For international shipments, commodities are required.

Commodity details have been left blank for an international shipment and must be populated


Commodity Line{0} : Missing Unit Weight

Commodity weight has been left blank and must be populated


Commodity Line{0} : Missing Units

Commodity unit has been left blank and must be populated


Commodity Line{0} : Missing Unit Value

Commodity unit value has been left blank and must be populated


Commodities-HarmonizedCode Is required

Commodity HS has been left blank and must be populated


Commodities-HarmonizedCode Must be enter between 6 and 12 numeric characters

Commodity HS code has been populated, but the length is invalid. Update the HS code to the requested length.


Invalid Commodity Description. This carrier Should not accept Non-English Character

Commodity description includes non-English characters, which are not accepted by this carrier.





Commodities Is required

Commodity details are missing and must be populated


Packages: At least 1 package required

No package information has been populated


Delivery Reference is required

Delivery Reference has been left blank and must be populated


No applicable rate resolved. [0]

There are no rates for this origin/destination.

Things to check:

Are you shipping to and from approved origin and destination service areas?

Is the suburb, city, postcode and country combination correct?

If all of the above is correct, please contact our support team for additional information


Pricing has expired. Please recalculate and try again.

Pricing has expired. Please recalculate and try again.


Invalid configuration detected. LCR carrier cannot be printed directly



The supplied consignment number is already in use. The same number cannot be used twice.

You have attempted to use a consignment number that already exists in our system. Update the consignment number and re-submit the request.


Consignment number/prefix combination has already been used. Please use different range for this.

You have attempted to use a consignment number/prefix combination that already exists in our system. Update the consignment number and re-submit the request.


Unexpected error encountered. No shipments created.

Unexpected error. Please try submitting the request again. If the issue persists, please contact our support team


Failed to create shipment. Please try again in a few seconds.

Unexpected error. Please try submitting the request again. If the issue persists, please contact our support team

Reprint API


API key not associated with a valid printer

This error message is most commonly received if there isn’t a physical printer connected with the API key. This API sends a label directly to a printer, so if the printer is set to PDF download the API request will fail with this error message.


Common Carrier Error Messages

If any of the below error messages are received, please contact support with the consignment creation details (screenshot from UI/API request and response), as well as your site name/API key.


Error message

Error message

Rating Code not found: Enter value of productId in Rating Code column.

Carrier’s Max Kg limit (Depends on the site configuration)

Please provide API Key for this Carrier

RatingCode Is Blank

Packages: Only 1 package Allowed (Eg: DHL,BorderGuru Carrier, NZ Post etc.)

Yodel validation failed for this service and postcode. (Yodel Carrier)

Return address is not configured

Omni Dynamic Carrier Rate Issue.(Omni Dynamic Sites)

The supplied consignment number is already in use. The same number cannot be used twice.

Account Number not found: Enter value of Account Number in Customer Account.(AustPost International carrier)

shipper account not configured for this carrier. (Fedex via Postmen Carrier)

Please provide StoreId (Parcelpoint Returns Carrier)

Rating Code not found: Enter value of service code in Rating Code column


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