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HTTP Trigger

An HTTP trigger is a mechanism that starts a pipeline when an HTTP request is received.

This can be:

  • different methods (Post, Get, Put, Delete, Patch) or request from another application

  • a webhook from 3rd party app or software

  • a manual trigger via a web interface

Pipeline: Push Dispatch Confirmation

Trigger: POST

Action steps: Transform (using Scriban Template)+ Loop Task (Call Service Provider) + Transform (using Scriban Template)+ Loop Task (Call Service Provider)

Special Variables for Data Access in a Transformer Step:

  • Use {{ }} to access the output from a previous task.

  • Use {{ }} to access the original request data.

ihub GS pipelineSample1.gif

Cron Trigger

A CRON trigger in a pipeline is used to schedule automated tasks at specific times or intervals. It uses a specific syntax to define the schedule for running tasks.

Pipeline: Create Manifest

Trigger: schedule to run at midnight on the 17th day of every month, any day of the week

Action steps: Transform (using Scriban Template)+ Call Service Provider (TMS)

ihub GS trigger CRON .gif

The CRON syntax consists of five fields representing different time units:

  1. Minute (0-59)

  2. Hour (0-23)

  3. Day of the Month (1-31)

  4. Month (1-12)

  5. Day of the Week (0-7, where both 0 and 7 represent Sunday)

For example, the CRON expression 0 1 * * MON means the task will run at 1 AM every Monday.

Service Provider Trigger

A service provider trigger initiates a pipeline when a specific event occurs in the service.

Pipeline: Load Sales Order

Trigger: Start Task once Shopify order is PAID {Shopify webhook + service order paid}

Action steps: Transform using Scriban Template (Load Sales Order Mapping) + Call Service Provider (Seko360 Load Sales Order)

ihub GS pipelineSample2.gif

Pipeline Trigger

Setting up a pipeline trigger within another pipeline allows you to automate workflows by chaining pipelines together. The new pipeline will start after the completion of the pipeline trigger.

Filter Task

A Filter Task is used to filter a collection of items based on specified criteria. This is useful when you need to process only a subset of data that meets certain conditions.

Loop Task

A Loop Task allows you to repeat a set of actions for each item in a collection. This is useful for scenarios where you need to perform the same operation on multiple items.

Fork Task

A Fork Task is used to split the execution flow into multiple parallel branches. This is useful when you need to perform different tasks simultaneously.

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