Admin Shipping List
This is the Shipment List where there are additional functions that are only for Admin users.
Navigate to Admin Menu → Shipments → Admin Shipment List
Select Search Filters to load List. Client search filter is required.
Edit icon - Visible only if the Shipment status is 'Confirm on Board'. Upon click, user will be Directed to the Shipment Confirmation/Review Section of Shipment Details screen
Delete icon -Allow for all Shipment Status except for Cancellation Requested, Cancelled, Delivered and Confirm on Board
Vessel List
Navigate to Admin Menu → Shipping → Vessel List
Type Vessel name or Select Carrier and Click SEARCH to Populate data
Edit icon - update Vessel name and Carrier
Schedules icon - updates Call Ports and their schedules (Arrival & Departure dates)
Delete icon - delete selected Consignee data.
A Vessel can only be deleted if it is not being used in current Shipment
Create New button - found at the bottom left of the grid
Create New Vessel:
Click the ‘Create New’ button
Type Vessel name and Select Carrier
Click SAVE
Port List
Navigate to Admin Menu → Shipping → Port List
Type or Select at least one field in the search panel and Click SEARCH to Populate data
Edit icon - update Port Details
Delete icon - delete selected Port
Create New button - found at the bottom left of the grid
Create New Port:
Click the ‘Create New’ button
Fill in Port Details
Click SAVE
Trailer List
Navigate to Admin Menu → Shipping → Trailer List
Type Trailer name or Select Carrier and Click SEARCH to Populate data
Edit icon - update Trailer name and Carrier
Schedules icon - updates Call Ports and their schedules (Arrival & Departure dates)
Delete icon - delete selected Trailer data.
A Trailer can only be deleted if it is not being used in current Shipment
Create New button - found at the bottom left of the grid
Create New Trailer:
Click the ‘Create New’ button
Type Trailer name and Select Carrier
Click SAVE
Transport Location List
Navigate to Admin Menu → Shipping → Transport Location List
Type Name or Location Code and Click SEARCH to Populate data
Edit icon - update Transport Location Details
Delete icon - delete selected Transport Location
Create New button - found at the bottom left of the grid
Create New Transport Location:
Click the ‘Create New’ button
Type Name and Location Code
Click SAVE