Manually Creating and Editing Products
Product Maintenance
The product maintenance menu option allows a user to manually create, edit or delete products. For product imports, refer to Importing Products, Inventory, and Locations work instruction.
Step 1: Open Product Maintenance Lookup
On the navigation bar select ‘9 - View & Setup’ > Product Setup> Product Maintenance.
Step 2: Create/Edit Product
The user is directed to the ‘Product Maintenance - Lookup’ screen.
To edit or delete an existing product in JASCI, enter the product name, description or product ID in the respective fields and click on the magnifying glass icon.
To create a new product, select the ‘New’ button.
Step 3: Enter/Update Product Information
If editing a product, the user is directed to the ‘Product Maintenance - Edit’ screen.
If creating a new product, the user is directed to the 'Product Maintenance - New' screen. The user enters or provides the following information:
Product ID
Product Description(s)- Short (20 characters max), Long (50 characters max)
Serialized Product? YES or NO
Lot Controlled? YES or NO
Date Sequence? FIFO. FEFO, LIFO
Returns allowed?
Product Slotting Category
Note, editing and creating a product are similar screens with the same information.
Step 4: Product Variables Maintenance
The user is directed to the Product Variables Maintenance screen.
The user will enter/update or provide the bar codes associated with the product along with the units of measures.
Click the 'Save/Update' button.