Manually Creating and Editing Products

Manually Creating and Editing Products

Product Maintenance

The product maintenance menu option allows a user to manually create, edit or delete products. For product imports, refer to Importing Products, Inventory, and Locations work instruction.

Step 1: Open Product Maintenance Lookup

On the navigation bar select ‘9 - View & Setup’ > Product Setup> Product Maintenance.




Step 2: Create/Edit Product

The user is directed to the ‘Product Maintenance - Lookup’ screen.

To edit or delete an existing product in JASCI, enter the product name, description or product ID in the respective fields and click on the magnifying glass icon.

To create a new product, select the ‘New’ button.






Step 3: Enter/Update Product Information

If editing a product, the user is directed to the ‘Product Maintenance - Edit’ screen.

If creating a new product, the user is directed to the 'Product Maintenance - New' screen. The user enters or provides the following information:

  • Product ID

  • Product Description(s)- Short (20 characters max), Long (50 characters max)

  • Serialized Product? YES or NO

  • Lot Controlled? YES or NO

  • Date Sequence? FIFO. FEFO, LIFO

  • Returns allowed?

  • Product Slotting Category

Note, editing and creating a product are similar screens with the same information.



Step 4: Product Variables Maintenance

The user is directed to the Product Variables Maintenance screen.

The user will enter/update or provide the bar codes associated with the product along with the units of measures.

Click the 'Save/Update' button.