Requesting Carrier Connection

Requesting Carrier Connection

JASCI has multiple small parcel carrier connection, listed below. If the client is using a new carrier that was not setup on implementation, please submit a ticket to the help desk for configuration.

Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier Name

  2. Account ID → ID for Endicia Postage Account

  3. Password → Provided by ASENDIA

  4. Processing Location → Location where the physical packaged will be processed

  5. Username → User ID provided by ASENDIA

  6. Header X-AsendiaOne-ApiKey value → API Data Source Header Value

  7. Account Type → Test or Production

Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier Name

  2. Username → BANYAN Username

  3. Password → BANYAN Password

  4. Client Reference Number → Used during multiple client integrations

  5. Account Type → Test or Production

Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier Name

  2. Username → DHL Express Username

  3. Password → DHL Express Password

  4. Account Number → DHL Express customer account number

  5. Account Type → Test or Production



Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier Name

  2. Username → Client ID (username) of the client app

  3. Password → Your client secret (password)

  4. Pick Up Number → DHL Ecommerce pick up account number. You will receive this after on-boarding with our (Through the JASCI connection?) DHL-Ecommerce

  5. Distribution Center → Primary DHL Ecommerce Distribution Center assigned to your products

  6. Account Type → Test or Production


Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier Name

  2. Key → Unique identifier of use

  3. Password → Secret password associated with user

  4. Account Number → FEDEX Account number

  5. Meter Number → The associated meter number to your account number

  6. Hub Id → Specify the HubID using the four-digit numeric value

  7. Account Type → Test or Production

Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier Name

  2. API Key → Authentication Key

  3. Account Type → Test or Production


Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier Name

  2. Account Number → OnTrac Account Number

  3. Password → API credentials to access sandbox and production environment of OnTrac web service API

  4. Account Type → Test or Production


Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier Name

  2. Username → Username provided by Parcelforce Worldwide

  3. Password → Password provided by Parcelforce Worldwide

  4. Contract Number → Customer Contract Number provided by Parcelforce Worldwide

  5. Account Type → Test or Production

Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier Name

  2. API Key → Authentication Key provided by SEKO

  3. Account Type → Test or Production


Required Information for Connection:

  1. Carrier: *

  2. Carrier Name: *

  3. Username: *

  4. Password: *

  5. Access License Number: *

  6. Shipper Number: *

  7. Account Type: *




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