Assigning Profile Assignments

Assigning Profile Assignments

Assigning profile assignments give a user access to certain capabilities in JASCI software. Reference the profile assignments chart for more details.


Step 1: Open Menu Profile Assignments Lookup

On the navigation bar select Admin > Menu Setup > Menu Profile Assignment


Step 2: Locate User

Enter the users team member ID or their name in the respective fields or select the ‘Display All’’ button to generate a list of all JASCI users.


Step 3: Edit User

The user(s) will appear, select the ‘Edit’ button.


Step 4: Menu Type

Select the respective menu type for the profile assignment. Reference the profile assignments chart for more details.


Step 5: Available Menu Profiles

Upon selecting the menu type a list of available menu profiles will generate, select the requested profile assignments.


Step 6: Menu Profiles Assigned

Transferred the select profiles to the ‘Menu Profiles Assigned’ table by click the “>” button. Click the ‘Save/Update button to save all changes made to the users account.


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