29th November 2022

29th November 2022

Cost Category Maintenance

Cost Category Maintenance is fully functional.

Booking Confirmation

Show saved data

Booking confirmation shows saved data when completing the form again.

Time and Date printed as entered

Time and date fields were storing time zones meaning that they would show GMT when printed. This has been solved, with the exception of scheduled date which is a minor issue compared with others and will be fixed in the next release.

Mandatory selection of service and passenger lifts

If a lift is available the selection of appropriate lifts must be made. The form cannot be submitted without this. Note that if the form is filled in again and the lifts are deselected a submit is still allowed which is being fixed in the next release.

Client Directory Listing started

The White Glove application now supports multiple clients

  • Drop-down selection box at the top of the screen to select one client

    • All bookings in the system for all clients simultaneously may be a later addition

  • Configuration of costs can be done at a client level

Issues Completed

Various other minor changes and fixes.