Integration Hub

Integration Hub

The Integration Hub is generally for communication between products as well as manual data load. It has the same mechanism for communicating between all types of product as well as the SEKO360 product suite.

Automated Load and Notify

API (JSON, XML) - Automated processes for loading and notifying other systems of stages in process

Manual Load

CSV - Manual

Logging is done in the iHub and any unexpected behaviour is also documented. For manual loads this can be seen when the load is done.


iHub Services relevant to White Glove


Load WhiteGlove Booking Inbound - Load inbound orders

Load WhiteGlove Booking Outbound - Load outbound orders



Load Receipts - Send ASN to warehouse

Load Receipt Deletion - Rescind ASN in warehouse

Push Delivery Arrive - notification that ASN has arrived

Push Goods Received Notice Confirmation - notification that ASN has been confirmed put away


Load Sales Order - Load Sales Order to warehouse

Load Sales Order Cancel - Rescind Sales Order in Warehouse

Push Dispatch Confirmation - notification that Outbound booking has been dispatched


How to see logging of iHub activity

iHub - https://ihub.supplystream.com/activities


  • Client(s), eg. ROOM

  • User(s)

  • service(s), as per listed above

  • Statuses(s)

  • Keyword(s), eg. a Booking reference


If the log is dated a certain number of days before the current date, it may be in the archive. In this case if the log can’t be found the “Switch to archive” should be selected and the search re-done.