SEKO360 Questions - Quad Lock 2023

SEKO360 Questions - Quad Lock 2023







Customer Master

Fully supported.

Not supported in JASCI. JASCI creates the customer record when it receives the Sales Order so this step is not needed. However, if you have B2B customers that require specific labels or documents, send those details prior to ordering so we can add them manually and link the appropriate paperwork to their account.

inventory Snapshot

API ability to push nightly stock summary/snapshot at midnight local DC time

Inventory snapshot API exists in Jasci.

Unique Item Codes/UPC


Supported by Jasci


Load Kit API - supported

Load Kit API in development


Kit = SKU pick the kit already built - always checked first

Supported by Jasci as “Sets”


“Pick to Kit” - pick the components and build the kit on the fly

Supported by Jasci as “Sets”

Product master UOM (for picking)

Eaches, inners, carton, pallets

Supported by SEKO360 but order quantities only accepted in eaches. THe picking functionality will advise the picker the different UOM to pick based on the quantity ordered and the item master configuration for that Client/DC.

NetSuite Units of Measure is a feature within the NetSuite Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that allows businesses to track inventory using different units of measure. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that manage inventory with varying carton sizes and dimensions.

Supported by Jasci.

Receipt of goods into warehouse (ASN)

Each ASN uniquely identified by ASN#. POs are not recorded as part of ASN.


Stock On Hand report

Inventory Report available to clients


ASN Partial receipts

Available for “hot items” which need quick turnaround with a switch for the Client/DC.

SEKO360 supports the ability to auto-create a balancing ASN when it is a short receipt. Makes the operational receiving process a bit more complex. Shouldn’t necessarily be seen as a normal procedure. ASN becomes ASN-1, ASN-2,ASN-3. ERP system should be considered as to whether it can accommodate multiple partial ASNs.


Outer and inner packaging

Management supported through item master. (See UOM above), eg. quantity adjustments etc.

Pallet/case in Jasci - could “repurpose” pallet to “master case”?

Customer records

Can be done within the system. Also supported as part of the sales order process, if customer “insert record” functionality is enabled.

Updating is not supported through the system. Currently updates supported through dev team support.

No API to load customers in Jasci

Sales Orders deletion

Sales orders can be cancelled until pick stage with no effect. After pick complete orders can be cancelled and returned to stock through a manual warehouse process. It is not recommended to cancel sales orders unless essential to business.


Sales Orders line update

Once received sales orders cannot be updated. One reason for this is that the stock allocation has already been done and it is a lot of effort to reallocate stock. The best course of action is to cancelled and resubmit the order.


Picking by quantity

Pick by UOM supported if item master records have been updated.

Item master is the DC attributes of the product master. This can be different per DC.

Jasci requires manual entry to ensure compliance between case size and picked quantity

“Picked” notification

Planned for 2024Q1


“Packed” notification

Not supported directly but frequently is also the same as dispatched - based on carrier used (whether manifesting required or not)


Sales Order dispatch status notification

Dispatched push notification for a sales order - this covers both “packed/ready for shipment” and “shipped” (see above “packed notification)


Sales Order Shipped notification

Dispatch confirmation is whether the DC has the order ready to be dispatched. This doesn’t say whether it’s left the warehouse or not.


Partial shipments (partial fulfilment?)

Sales order cannot be processed unless unallocated stock is available for all items at the time of sales order creation.

Partial fulfilment and shipment can be done if necessary.


Carrier id and service

Supported in SEKO360 - which carrier and service to use can be selected


Back Orders

Where a fulfilment is required where it was not previously possible owing to restrictions on stock or rules. This is not normally supported in SEKO360 but there are exceptions.

Back order Definition (from Logistics point of view)

Accepting order when stock not there - and releasing to warehouse when stock available - very limited functionality - need to be more detail requested if Quad Lock need this functionality - based on carriers to wait a certain amount of hours before shipping or part shipping. (in other words they’ll take whatever you’ve got)

Supported in Jasci (citation required)