Tracking Status updates

Tracking Status updates

You can send email notifications to customers at each point in the returns journey, these emails are triggered when the Return Tracking Status is updated. For a full list and explanation of the Tracking Status', please click here.

It is up to you which of these Status updates you send an email for. It is recommended to send an email proactively informing customers at which stage their credit will be triggered and then, at the stage when their credit is triggered. This will decrease contacts to your Customer Service team.

These emails are created in OmniRPS > Admin > Customer Tracking Alerts > Settings > Add Tracking Alert

As these emails are transactional, they cannot be unsubscribed from. You may want to inform customers why there is no unsubscribe button.

Configuring the email template

The following details of the track and trace email can be configured:              

  • Retailer Name: Name of your brand. This name will appear in the ‘From’ field of the received notification/email.

  • Logo Image: Your brand logo image is automatically fetched from the Admin set up Onboarding Admin page and will appear at the top left side of the email. This logo is added during SEKO Onboarding.

  • Email Subject: This will appear as the ‘Subject’ on the customer received email.

  • Logo Click Link: You can configure logo to click through to your required URL.

  • Email Notification Type: Set this to the Tracking Status you would like the email to be triggered by.

  • Email Template Type:

    • Template - this will allow you to use the formatting options supplied

    • HTML - we will use the text supplied in the email body as HTML. If using HTML, you can toggle between the code and preview by clicking the source icon (</>) in the editor.

  • Email Body: You can customize the email main body by using the list of the defined variables on right side of email body editor. HTML code can also be added here.

  • Full Page Background Image: You can set a full email template background image.

  • Full Page Background Colour: You can also set full email template background Colour. A cooour picker is provided.

  • Main Display Grid Width: You can set the main email content box width. Standard Setting is 800.

  • Main Display Background Colour: You can set main email content background Colour.

  • Social Media Links; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest: Your applicable URL can be entered into the fields provided. The corresponding icon will appear on the top right side of the notification email.

  • Footer Copyright Text: Footer text can be added. The text will appear in the bottom centre of the email.

  • Retailer Email: You have the option to add a cc email for every tracking notification email sent to the customer.

  • Status:

    • Enable: Email will be sent to customers

    • Disable: Email is not being sent to customers. Email should be left as disabled until the email is ready to be sent.

To send a test email

  1. Save the template

  2. Click “Update” on the notification email you would like to test

  3. Click “Send test email”

  4. Enter email address

  5. Click “Test email” to send a test email

  6. Please note: Changes must be saved to be reflected in a test email.

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