

1. RESTful Apis  

The Integration Hub supports access to services in a number of different formats and protocols including “RESTful” web services. These APIs allow access to services using standard HTTP protocols to execute various operations in order to submit data (such as a new Order), or to query data.

Examples in SEKO360 are Load Product Masters, Load Sales Orders, Load Receipts.

1.1.    Key Features

There is no prescribed standard for REST based web services however the APIs offered through the Integration Hub follow standard industry practice. The APIs are designed to be flexible for use with a number of different languages and data formats. The key features of the APIs are:

  • End to End security is provided by using SSL to encrypt all communications with the Integration Hub

  • Authentication is provided by use of a ‘token’ value – a secure value generated using the Integration Hub.

  • Data is offered in a number of different formats (these vary from service to service)

    • XML

    • JSON

    • CSV

    • HTML

  • The services incorporate a ‘version’ identifier so that new versions of the API can be offered without requiring existing clients to upgrade immediately.

1.2.   Corresponding Documentation

To avoid duplication this document should be read in conjunction with the SEKO360 WMS WCF Services document. The WCF document provided detailed information on the attributes associated with each messages and the specific SEKO360 WMS error messages returned.

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