WMS - Client Interface (User Guide)
Getting Started
Recommended browser to use: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome
Enter your login credentials on the Web URL: https://www.seko360.com/ using the access provided to you via email.
Navigating the Menus
In the Welcome Page left-side panel, you will be able to navigate to the Main Menus and their corresponding sub-menus
Design/Products - Where you can Create and Edit Products/SKUs to be received in DC
Sales Channel/Retail - Where you can Create Sales Order and Create Dispatch Request for DC
Logistics - Where you can View Delivery Status and Inventory/Stock Reports
Business Intelligence- Where you can access and view Power BI reports
Admin - Where you can Add DATA about Client Information, Supplier details, and Shipping Addresses which are required in Creating Product and Sales Order.
Integration Hub Services
iHub is a separate Interface where the Client uploads Data to the Client Interface and receives notifications on Inbound and Outbound activities in the Distribution Center. These data are integrated within the Seko360 Interface and Client server for easy transfer of files and information.
The assigned team or person will be given log-in details to access the iHub Interface.