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Manual - via DCM Vendor and Origin Portal
titleWhat is the Booking cancellation process?
titleWhy I cannot view a shipment?

If you cannot view a shipment this means the space is not confirmed, please liaise with your local SEKO branch.

titleWhat are “Auto Approved” shipments?

Shipments that are Automatically approved and are Authorized to Ship based on the Approval Rules set in the DCM Client Interface Admin Menu.

How to create a Vendor Booking
  1. Manual - DCM Vendor Portal

Navigate to Supply Chain Menu → Bookings →Booking Add

  1. iHub - via Load Booking Service

titleHow to Cancel a Vendor Booking?
  1. Manual - DCM Portal

Vendor user will Request Cancellation and Origin Agent will confirm.

Origin Agent can also Cancel a Booking directly without Vendor Request, if needed.

  1. iHub - via Load Booking Service

For Bookings Booking State at:

  • Draft status → The Booking will be cancelled

  • Other status → The Booking will be set to the “Requested Cancellation” state and a Notification will be sent to the Ops team so they can log in to the front end with their Origin Agent User and either confirm or reject the request

titleWho can cancel shipments and who can approve the cancellation?

Vendor will request for Cancellation while Origin Agent will confirm Cancellation.

Origin Agent can also cancel Shipments directly without Vendor Request, if needed.

titleWhen can cancellation be done?
titleWhat are the Booking/Shipment Status


How to Create a Shipment

1. To ADD Shipment Details to a Vendor Booking

Navigate to Supply Chain Menu →Bookings → Booking List→ Click Edit Shipment button

  1. To ADD New Shipment

Navigate to Supply Chain Menu → Shipments →Shipment Add

titleWhat are “Auto Approved” shipments?

Shipments that are Automatically approved and are Authorized to Ship based on the Approval Rules set in the DCM Client Interface Admin Menu.

titleHow to book a Delivery/Container?

Two ways to Book a Delivery by either Client or Destination Agent

  1. On Client Dashboard, click Plan Deliveries” in the To Deliver tile to show List of Deliveries To Book

  2. On Destination Agent Dashboard, click “Deliveries To Book” Task Tile tile to show List of Deliveries To Book

titleHow to cancel a shipment Delivery Booking?

Two ways to Cancel a Delivery by either Client or Destination Agent

  1. On Client Dashboard, click “Planned Deliveries” in the To Deliver tile to show List of Booked Deliveries. Click X icon to Cancel. The Cancelled Delivery will be sent to Destination Agent user tile “Deliveries Require Cancel Confirmation

  2. On Destination Agent Dashboard, click “Planned Deliveries” in the To Deliver tile to show List of Booked Deliveries. Click X icon to Cancel. The Cancelled Delivery will be sent to the Destination AGent Task Tile "Deliveries to Reschedule"

titleWhy I cannot view a shipment?

If you cannot view a shipment this means the space is not confirmed, please liaise with your local SEKO branch.