Title: | Troubleshooting articles | |
Owner: | susan.alexander | |
Creator: | susan.alexander | Sept 03, 2021 |
Last Changed by: | susan.alexander | Nov 05, 2021 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://seko.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CgDkcQ | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (15)
"NO ENTRY FILED" Air AMS message from CBP
Not able to find a MAWB ID or Shipment ID
Not able to create a License Plate for a carrier
Not getting FSC 10 response from CBP
Invalid Carrier Code error message from CBP
Flight Departed but no 1F in Nova
Filed AMS with incorrect HAWB/MAWB number
User cannot login in Nova
How to find current entry number used by Nova
Entry number message in Nova
"NO ENTRY FILED" Air AMS message from CBP
Not able to find a MAWB ID or Shipment ID
Not able to create a License Plate for a carrier
Not getting FSC 10 response from CBP
Invalid Carrier Code error message from CBP
Flight Departed but no 1F in Nova
Filed AMS with incorrect HAWB/MAWB number
User cannot login in Nova
How to find current entry number used by Nova
Entry number message in Nova
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