7. OmniRPS Account set up

7. OmniRPS Account set up

  1. Log into ‘OmniRPS’ at https://omnirps.com/

  2. Select ‘Admin’ dropdown and click ‘Manage’ and then ‘Retailer’.

  3. You can select ‘Add New Retailer’ in the top right-hand corner or, search for a retailer name in the search field, tick “show disabled retailers” if the retailer is inactive, click the pencil icon

  4. Add Retailer Name, Phone and email address. This information can be pulled from zoho forms.
    The email addresses that have been added will be sent the automated export email notification.

  5. If you have multiple retailers associated to one company, you can add them to a group. This gives all users access to all retailers in the group.

  6. Upload a Logo. This logo will appear on the “Customer Tracking Alerts” emails and on the processing screen for hubs to see during processing.

  7. OMNIRPSCON prefix: create a three-letter prefix for the client. This will help the system filter through the data in the system e.g. if you have a client called ‘ City Beach’, the prefix can be CTB’.

  8. CPC is not used at this time. Leave blank.

  9. Restrict Duplicate Charge: YES or NO. This will prevent the hubs from processing the same return twice.

  10. Predefined Return Reasons: YES or NO. This is related to the Shopify integration and is only needed if rules are being used.

  11. Order Data Storage: Always add 3.
    This is how long order data will be available for customers to create a return via the OmniReturns portal. e.g. if you put 2, orders will be deleted after 2 months and users won’t be able to create returns for order placed over 2 months ago.

  12. Hub Settings
    Each hub processing returns needs to be added to the account otherwise the hub will not have access to process returns.

    1. Select the hub/scanning port by selecting the hub names from the drop down.
      Add each hub for each country required:

      1. NZ: SEKO OMNI NZ

      2. AU: SEKO OMNI SYD

      3. CA: SEKO OMNI CA

      4. UK: SEKO OMNI LHR

      5. US: SEKO US

      6. HK: SEKO OMNI HKG



    2. Once you have selected a hub, it will be added underneath.

    3. Add in the access token taken from the ADMIN OMNIRPS accounts created. This links OmniParcel to OmniRPS and is required for the hubs to create outer connotes.

    4. Add in the billing charges. These can be found on the rate card

      1. Per Order or Per Item will change the billing method. Per item will allow for you to add in a first item charge and a sequential item charge.

      2. Currency is always the hubs local currency

    5. Processed Via: This should always be Seko unless a 3rd party will process there returns

    6. Exports: by default this will be Processed. If the returns hub should not be opening and processing the returns e.g. the returns will be exported domestically, this setting should be changed to Depot Scans. This will show a message to the hub after depot scanning informing them not to process the return. The hub will be required to create a Depot Scan Export for this client.

    7. Export Frequency: This is how often the hub should be exporting the returns. This populates the Export Cadence dashboard

    8. Return Address: Add in the clients warehouse address that they want the returns to go back to.

  13. Click ‘Add New retailer’

  14. Linking the OmniReturns and OmniRPS accounts

    1. Once saved, go back into the retailer account by clicking the pencil icon

    2. The Retailer ID# will appear. Copy the number

    3. Go back to OmniReturns > Manage > Retailer > Search for the retailer and click the pencil icon > in the OmniRPS Retailer I.D field, add the ID

    4. click Save at the bottom of the page

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