Send Bookings to Warehouse

Send Bookings to Warehouse

Sending ASNs and Sales Orders to Warehouse

For ASNs and Sales Orders there will be a button for “Send ASN to warehouse” and “Send Sales Order to Warehouse” respectively.


In the case of the ASN the only check is that all ASN lines have relevant product master entries.

Sales Orders

In order to send a Sales Order a final mile facility must be entered as well as a ship date.

For Sales Orders the relevant product master entries must exist as well as stock available in the warehouse at the point of sending the instruction. If these conditions are not met the sales order instruction will fail. It is not possible to predict what stock will be in the warehouse at a given time so the most accurate way is to see if the warehouse has stock at the current time. Note also that as soon as a sales order is successfully issued it will allocate stock to the order and hence that stock will no longer be available.

Future release improvements

  1. Final Mile Facility search will be based on the country of the end customer address. This will show a list of final mile facilities within the country at the top of the drop-down list.

  2. If the sales order is allocated to an ASN the sales order confirmation will show whether the ASN has been received prior to the instruction of the sales order. If the ASN has not been received the sales order instruction should not be sent. This is not connected to the state of the goods, eg. damaged, quarantined etc.

Rescinding ASNs and Sales Orders

Although there are plenty of confirmation messages on sending instructions to the warehouse it is possible that an instruction may need to be rescinded or a booking cancelled with an active warehouse instruction. This can be done in the case of both ASNs and Sales Orders. The system will send a warehouse cancellation and the one of the two following conditions will apply:

  • If the warehouse cancellation is successful it will do one of the following:

    • for “rescind” set the booking status back to “New” as though the instruction hadn’t been sent

    • for “booking cancel” set the booking status back to “Cancelled”

  • If the warehouse is unable to cleanly cancel the instruction (for example the goods have been packed or dispatched for a sales order) it will inform the user of an error, which actually means that the warehouse cancellation will have to be done manually. In this case a prompt will be shown against the booking to show that it is awaiting confirmation of the return to complete the cancellation process. The booking status cannot be set back to the “New” or “Cancelled” status until this is done.

Notes on Warehouse Instruction Cancellation (Rescind Sales Order)

Rescind of the order is to retract the order so that it can either be cancelled from the system entirely or sent at a more suitable date. The successful result of a rescind is that the booking is set back to a status of “New Booking”.

Rescinding too soon - Rescind failure

If a rescind or booking cancellation is issued immediately after a warehouse instruction it may fail because the warehouse instruction is still being processed, In this case the warehouse instruction will continue as the cancellation failed. A new warehouse cancellation cannot be sent and the warehouse will need to be informed manually. This is being addressed in the next release so that cancellations can be sent multiple times.

Rescinding too late - status “Rescind Pending”

If a Sales Order has been rescinded too late the process of picking and packing may have already started. If at the packing stage the order cannot be cancelled, SEKO 360 WMS will send an error. The error will be processed by the White Glove application and the status of the booking will be set to “Rescind Pending”. The user will need to contact the warehouse manually to ensure that the order is cancelled and not dispatched. Once confirmed the user can confirm the rescind and the status will be set back to “New Booking”.