Client - Outbound Dashboard

Client - Outbound Dashboard

Reports for Order Dispatches and Order Tracking

Orders vs Dispatch Volumes

Compare Week on Week Dispatches (by System Dispatch Date)


Dispatch Header Report (by System Dispatch Date)

Shows All Dispatched Sales Orders (SO Qty vs Dispatched Qty) within specified dates (filter date).

Report includes Dispatch and SO details, DC status dates, Carrier, tracking number.

System Dispatch Date - The actual Date/Time that the order was systematically dispatched by the DC

Dispatch Detail Report (by System Dispatch Date) 

Shows All Dispatched Sales Orders with SKU/Product within specified dates (filter date).

Report same as “Dispatch Header Report (by System Dispatch Date)” but includes SKU/Product details.

Dispatch Header Report (by Create Date)

Shows “To Dispatch” and “Dispatched” Sales Orders within specified dates (filter date).

Report includes Dispatch and SO details, DC status dates, Carrier, tracking number.

Create date - ASN received from client (Date upload of Receipts)

Dispatch Detail Report (by Create Date)

Shows “To Dispatch” and “Dispatched” Sales Orders with SKU/Product within specified dates (filter date).

Report same as “Dispatch Header Report (by Create Date)” but includes SKU/Product details.

Parcel Details (by Dispatch Box Create Date)

Shows Parcel details (Product Code/SKU, SO #, Qty, Tracking number) within specified dates (filter date).

Top Performing SKU's (by System Dispatch Date)

Unit Price Total Per Day (by Create Date) 

Dispatch Box List (by Dispatch Box Create Date) 

Shows Dispatched Box details and dimensions with Sales Order number within specified dates (filter date).

TMS Exceptions (by TMS Complete Date) 

TMS (Transportation Management Systems) Error Report