Client - Design (Product Design)
Product List
Displays Products added in the System (via Seko 360 web or via iHub)
You will be able to SEARCH, SORT, FILTER, & EXPORT DATA here
A. SEARCH - Type in Product code and/or Description, HTS Code, Select Status and CLICK SEARCH button
Click the Header arrow icon to Sort columns in ascending or descending order (Create Date and Product Code sort by default 1 & 2 respectively).
Funnel Icon on Column Header allows you to choose which columns you want to appear or remove by checking/unchecking the box under “Column” list.
You can also Filter Data by choosing condition under “Filter” list.
C. EXPORT- CLICK Export icon and select Excel, pdf, CSV or XML format for report
Product List sub-menu loads 3 Tabs:
“All” Tab - shows all Product Codes (SKUs) that are added on the system.
1.1 VIEW or EDIT Details, Properties, Attributes, Supplier
1.2 CLONE or copy/replicate a Product (Use a different Product code)
Step by step process here:
In Development
“In Development” Tab - Manually added Products will be shown in this tab. This is like a DRAFT status.
2.1 VIEW - Check Product details, Properties, Attributes, Suppliers. You can Edit in this window too.
2.2 DELETE - In this status, you will be able to Delete a product by selecting Product Row (click checkbox and then Delete icon)
2.3 CONFIRM To move a product from this status to “In Production” status, select the checkbox and click confirm button
Note: “Supplier” should be added in the Product details to make the checkbox appear and be able confirm to move to Production.
In Production
“In Production” Tab - This will be the Product list that can:
VIEW/EDIT Product Details in this tab.
Send ASN and able to Arrive and Receive in Warehouse (DC).
Have a Sales Order against them. ***screenshots in this link needs to be Updated
Note: Products Uploaded via iHub will automatically be in “In Production” status.
Add Product Master
- Automate via iHub Service (Load Product Masters) > In Production status
- Manually Add Product (via web in Seko 360) > In Development status > Edit/delete/confirm > In Production status
To Manually Create New Product, CLICK “Add Product Master” sub-menu and fill out fields on each Tab
1. Details - Fill out fields Required and click Save before moving to the next tab
IMPORTANT - Product code/SKU should be Unique
Product code/SKU should NOT have any White Spaces (space before or after the code) to avoid error in scanning in DC
2. Properties - Toggle Properties (Yes/NO) as needed and CLICK Save
If Properties are Toggled ON (YES), you will be able to assign numbers accordingly in the Receipts (ASN)
e.g. Lot number if Lot Controlled, Serial Number if Serial Number Controlled, etc.
3. Attributes - Fill out fields needed and click Save before moving to the next tab
Supplier - Select Supplier from the drop down and click SAVE
*Supplier is required to confirm Product to Move from Development to Production status.
To Add Supplier:
via iHub : Upload file>Load Companies Load Companies
via Seko 360 web : Admin menu>Companies>Suppliers
Once done, the newly added Product will appear in the “Product List” sub-menu> In Development Tab
SKU Detail List
Use Search Panel to filter Products by SKU/Code, Description, HTS Code and Creation Date