WMS - Product List

WMS - Product List

Displays Products added in the System (via Seko 360 web or iHub)

You will be able to SEARCH, SORT, FILTER, & EXPORT DATA here

A. SEARCH - Type in Product code and/or Description, HTS Code, Select Status and CLICK the SEARCH button

Product List - SEARCH PANEL



Click the Header arrow icon to Sort columns in ascending or descending order (Create Date and Product Code sort by default 1 & 2 respectively).

Funnel Icon on the Column Header allows you to choose which columns you want to appear or remove by checking/unchecking the box under the “Column” list.

You can also Filter Data by choosing the condition under the “Filter” list.



C. EXPORT- CLICK Export icon and select Excel, PDF, CSV, or XML format for the report

Product List sub-menu loads 3 Tabs: