Order Allocation

Order Allocation


Order Allocation in JASCI occurs after a work type has been assigned to the order. JASCI first utilizes location AREAS (Prime or Bulk) to allocate stock from the locations. The allocation of inventory is based on the work type (PALLET PICK, ORDER PICK, SINGLE, or DISCRETE) assigned to the order.


Allocation for SINGLE and DISCRETE Work Types

If the order is not a 'Truckload' (PALLET PICK or ORDER PICK), JASCI will first allocate the stock from PRIME (pick face) AREA locations.

  • If the PRIME Area locations can fulfill the entire order, the allocation is complete.

  • If the PRIME Area locations cannot fulfill the whole order, the remaining quantities will be allocated to a BULK Area Location



Allocation for ORDER PICK and PALLET PICK Work Types

If the order is a ‘Truckload’, JASCI will first allocate inventory in BULK Area locations:

  • If the BULK Area Location can fulfill the entire order, the allocation is complete.

  • If the BULK Area locations cannot fulfill the whole order, the remaining quantities will be allocated to a PRIME Area Location.


If the order cannot be completely allocated for any of the work types and the order has been flagged ‘Ship Complete’, JASCI will mark the order as ‘Trouble’.

If the order hasn’t been flagged ‘Ship Complete’, JASCI splits allocated items into separate work types and cartonizes the order accordingly.

There are two additional ship flags for orders in JASCI, ‘Ship Partial’ and ‘Ship Available’.

  • When an order is marked 'Ship Partial' JASCI will split the order and flag the remaining un-allocatable order lines/order line quantities as trouble.

    • The unallocatable order lines will remain in trouble under the same order number and will be manually released by an operator or by JASCI when inventory becomes available.

  • When an order is marked ‘Ship Available’ JASCI will split the order and cancel the remaining un-allocatable order lines/ order line quantities.

    • The client will have to provide a new order for the cancelled portion of the order, if the client decides to ship the remainder of the order.


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