Discrete Sales Orders

The “Discrete” work type will be assigned by JASCI when a sales order requests a quantity greater than 1. (e.g SKU: Simple123 QTY: 2 or SKUs: Simple123 & Simple345 QTY: 1, 1)

Step 1: Open “Cluster Pick”

  • The operator will begin by opening the “Cluster Pick” mobile function.

Step 2: Scan Work Zone and Cart

  • The operator scans the work zone.

    • Work zone: DEFAULT

    • Note JASCI is case sensitive!

  • The operator proceeds to scan the pick tote.

    • OPEN sales orders are allocated to the pick tote at this point.

    • The cart ID is not the LPN.

Step 3: Verify Location

  • The operator is directed to a location.

    • The operator will verify the location by scanning the location bar code.

Step 4: Pick Product

  • The operator picks the product from the direct location.

    • Product details will be displayed.

    • If the product is not in the directed location, select the “Cut” button.

    • If the product is in the directed location but the expected quantity is not, select tje “Cut" button.

  • The operator scans the product barcode.

    • If the product barcode does not scan, notify a supervisor.

Step 5: Scan Cart Slot LPN

  • The operator scans the directed cart slot LPN and transfers the picked product into the tote.

    • The cart slot LPN is not the cart ID.


  • Repeat steps 3 - 5 for all sales orders allocated to the cart.

  • Once all orders are picked the operator is prompted to “Confirm Drop off All” .

    • The operator drops off the pick cart at the packing station.

Step 6: Open “Pack Scan Product”

  • On the desktop the operator opens the “Pack Scan Product” menu option.

    • 2 - Outbound > Packing > Pack Scan Product

Step 7: Open Packing Station

  • The operator scans the packing work bench.

  • The operator scans the cart ID.

  • The operator scans a cart LPN.

Step 8: Begin Packing

  • A list of all products in the cart slot will generate.

  • The operator scans each individual product.

    • The operator will scan a random product from the cart slot.

  • Once all products are scanned, the operator clicks the “Carton Full” button

  • If the shipping box is full and there’s still more products to scan, the operator clicks the “Carton Full" button.

    • This will create two shipping labels for you sales order.

  • The operator proceeds to enter the weight, box size, carrier and service level if the following information is not already provided.

  • The operator select “Process Shipment”.


  • The operator repeats step 8 for all discrete orders allocated to the cart!