iHub FTP Path (Directory)

iHub FTP Path (Directory)

Using the FTP server

For any FTP server services that are used, an FTP server can be setup by SEKO.

Access details to the FTP server will be provided on setup, including: Host, Port, Username and Password.
The FTP server can be setup to use either XML or CSV file formats. This can be selected individually for each service.

  • The file size limit for FTP is 10 MB (10485760 bytes).

  • For large files, this is best uploaded in batches to make the handling of errors easier, and to speed up the processing time.

Upload Files

  • Navigate to the ‘Load’ directory

  • Drop your files into the appropriate subdirectory based on the service you are using.

  • Files will be loaded from the FTP server based on the recurrence setup on the scheduler every 15 minutes, by default.


File location

Load Companies


Load Product Master Updates


Load Product Masters


Load Receipts


Load Release Sales Order from Hold


Load Sales Order Cancellations


Load Sales Orders


Load Web Sales Orders


Please request if you need a different directory setup

Automatic File Archiving

  1. The hub will call the FTP to upload any files you have placed in the FTP folder.

  2. Once processed, the hub will archive the file into an “Archive” folder.

  3. If a file has the same naming convention as an existing file in the archive, the new file will be given a date/time stamp.

  • It is recommended that files are not deleted from the FTP server. Instead, they can be stored in Archive, for historic purposes and if the file was incorrectly processed and was required again. Alternatively, files can be re-pushed from the Activity Monitor on the iHub.

Receive Files

  • Push files will be delivered to specific locations based on the requested services.

  • Received files will have an automatic naming scheme (with date and time stamp)

  • If multiple entities (like multiple Dispatch Confirmations) are processed within the same time frame, you will receive a single file containing all entities.


File prefix

Push Dispatch Confirmation


Push Goods Received Notice Confirmation


Push Stock Adjustment


Push Stock Overnight Summary


Push Stock Status Movement


Push Tracking Details


Push Delivery Arrive


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