DCM Status or States
Booking States (Vendor)
These are status of the Bookings created by Vendor user.
Can be viewed at Booking List
Draft - when a booking has been created but not yet submitted to Origin Agent
Submitted Booking - when a draft booking is submitted to Origin Agent
Cancellation Requested - when the Vendor requests a cancellation for a Booking
Draft SI - when a submitted Booking is waiting for Final Instructions
Submitted SI - when a draft Shipment Instruction (Draft SI) is submitted to Seko Origin/Branch
Shipment State (Origin, Client, Destination Agent)
These are status of the Shipment created by Origin user.
Can be viewed at Shipment List
Draft – unfinished shipment or lacking of information
Request Authorization – this means that the shipment is at Client for authorization. Amendment is not allowed at this time, wait until it sent back to origin.
Amend – if this is the status of a certain shipment, amendment is allowed.
Client would like some changes made to the booking before approving to proceed.
Authorized to Ship – Shipment is already approved or has given okay to proceed by Client to be shipped
Confirm on Board – Shipment has departed and confirmed on board by origin office
Cancellation Requested - when the Vendor requests a cancellation for a Booking
Container State (Client, Destination Agent)
These are status of the Containers booked by Client or Destination Agent user.
Can be viewed at Container List
TO BOOK – Container requires delivery booking
BOOKED – Delivery booking placed
CONFIRMED – Booking acknowledged and awaiting execution
RESCHEDULED – Delivery booking rejected for is for re-planning
AMENDED – Delivery booking is pending SEKO acceptance of amendment or cancellation
DELIVERED – Container delivered and POD’d
Planning State (Client, Destination Agent)
Planning State is updated only if Load XUS is used
Can be viewed at Draft Shipment & Shipments Ready to be Shipped (Authorised to ship) Dashboard Task Tiles.
CargoWise (CW1)
Event Type Codes:
BKC: Booking Confirm
PKM: Packing Commenced
DEP: Depart
EST: Update ETA
ARV: Update ATA
CLR: Clearance
Flow Chart