DCM iHub Services

DCM iHub Services

Clients can subscribe to the following services for integration to their existing ERP and 3PL (third party logistics)

Load Purchase Order

Create new or update Purchase Order via File Upload, FTP or REST API.

A PO configuration is created on iHub for customers to be able to load Purchase Orders.

Load PO

Create new or update Purchase Order

Load All PO

Load all open purchase orders by bulk.

If a PO line is excluded in the next upload=delete in Seko360 DCM


Load SI (Shipment Instruction)

Load SI is used to create a Shipment Instruction (SI), update the SI data and pack the lines into Containers.

Created via iHub Generic services


Load Booking

Used to create Booking and new PO Lines Data into DCM.

Also used to cancel a booking

Created via iHub FTP or REST

note: custom conditions are set for specific clients


Load XUE (XML Universal Event)

Load CargoWise Container events into DCM


Load XUS (XML Universal Shipment)

Used to load CargoWise Shipment data into DCM

  • Allows unlimited amount of routing legs

  • Allows Rail to be added as a transport mode

  • COB the Shipment if the Packing has been manually done


Push XUS (XML Universal Shipment)

XUS Push is sent when a Shipment is created from a Booking for a Client that has subscribed to the ‘Push XUS’ service.

DCM data to Cargowise

Push SDS (Shipment Details Service)

Pushed from multiple places (Approval, COB, Delivery Booking…)

Push ‘Draft’ from Shipment Push List and ‘Final’ from COB if Shipment is created from a booking for a Client that has subscribed to the ‘Push SDS’ service.