Ocean - One Off - SOP

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for {Client's} international freight.
Customer Code and POCs:
{Enter Here}
Shipper Code and POCs:
{Enter Here}
Booking Party POCs:
{Enter Here}
Consignee Code and POCs:
{Enter Here}
INCO Terms:
{Enter Here}
Sales Owning Station:
{Enter Here}
Account Owner:
{Enter Here}
*Section Applicable only for US IMP/EXP shipments via U.S. ports
*NRA or TRI number: {Enter Here}
*Effective Date: {Enter Here}
*Expiry Date: {Enter Here}

Routing Instructions
Is SEKO managing drayage services, Pickup or Delivery?
{Enter Here}
HBL instructions
{Enter Here}
MBL instructions
{Enter Here}
{Enter Here}
ISF Responsible Party:
{Enter Here}
All bookings move as per SEKO Terms and Conditions - https://www.sekologistics.com/us/about/resources/terms-and-conditions-of-service/terms-conditions-ocean-freight/