

Useful Links:





RED NA Playbook

Go to guide for domestic. Great tool for new employees!

RED NA Search Filters

Interactive short video on how to use RED NA Search Filters. Great tool for new employees!

RED NA HAWB & MAWB Query & User Views

Interactive short video on how to query HAWBs & MAWBs and save user views. Great tool for new employees!

RED NA Outbound Operations

Best Practice for Outbound Cartage Operations

RED NA Inbound Operations

Best Practice for Inbound Cartage Operations

RED NA Shipment Entry

Best Practice for Shipment Entry

RED NA PU & DEL Manifest

How to create PU & DEL Manifest for drivers using the SEKO POD app

Create a New Shipper/Consignee/Client

Interactive short video on how to create a new profile.

Mass MAWB Upload Template

Template required for MASS MAWB uploads

RED NA MASS MAWB Upload Process

Process to upload MASS MAWBS

Fed Ex Ops Processing and Billing Guide

Best Practice of Billing and Coding for Fed Ex

RED NA Ground Quoting

Interactive short video on how to use the quote function in RED NA

7L Quoting

Interactive short video on how to use 7L quoting

Job Costing

Stay Tuned/Under Review