5.6 Obsolete functionality: Custom Portal Domain Name

5.6 Obsolete functionality: Custom Portal Domain Name

IMPORTANT NOTE: This functionality is obsolete, and is no longer an option in OmniParcel. This knowledge base page and the corresponding option in OmniParcel will be removed shortly to reflect that this functionality is no longer available.

Setting up a custom url for the OmniParcel tracking portal


  1. OmniParcel’s default tracking domain is: https://track.omniparcel.com

  2. In order to set up your own domain name on the tracking portal instead of https://track.omniparcel.com you needs to create a CNAME record in your DNS Server/Hosting

    1. Name: track.{customerswebsite}.com

    2. Points to: http://track.omniparcel.com

  3. Once point 2 is completed please add the tracking URL (Point 2A) in OmniParcel> Administration> Track and Trace email > Custom Domain Name

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