Review Returns

Review Returns

Released February 2021

This will create a return request which will be reviewed by your Customer Service team prior to collecting payment from customers (where applicable) and prior to creating a return label. Returns can be opted in to be reviewed per return reason e.g. you could opt to review returns for Faulty but not for change of mind.

Review Returns Process Flow

Process Flow

Simplified Flow

  1. Customer creates return request (no payment taken or label created)

  2. Customer is advised via the customer portal the return is to be reviewed by retailers Customer Service team

  3. Retailer Customer Service receive an email notification of a return request

  4. Retailer Customer Service review return and contact the customer for information, if necessary.

  5. Retailer Customer Service approve or reject

    1. If approved:

      1. Customer paid – customer receives email to pay for shipping label.
        Note: in OmniReturns, if the hub is configured as ‘retailer paid’, the customer will be charged the amount returned from the OmniParcel Available Rates API. If retailers want to charge customers for a specified shipping price, this should be set as ‘customer paid’

      2. Free label – customer receives email to create return label for free

      3. No label – no label is created, no email communication is sent to the customer.
        This is created for faulty returns where the retailer will destroy any faulty goods and as such, does not need them back.

    2. If rejected
      No email communication is sent to the customer. As this may be a sensitive situation, it is best to contact the customer directly to provide more information as to why their return has been rejected.

Return Request Status'

Once a return has been created and needs review, you will be emailed a notification to approve/reject the return. The return will be placed in an On Hold state until it is manually Approved or Rejected via the email link or OmniReturns Returns Pending Review report.

The below table outlines each status, if a customer will be charged for the label, if a label is created and if an email is sent to the customer to notify them of the status.


Customer Pays for label

Label created

Email sent to Customer


Customer Pays for label

Label created

Email sent to Customer

Accept as Paid Label



Y – with a link to pay

Accept as Free Label



Y – shipping label email

Accept No Label









How to Approve or Reject a Return

This can be done two ways

  1. clicking Manage Returns in the email

    1. This will take you to a webpage with all the return details

    2. Please continue to step 3

  2. via the Returns Pending Review report in OmniReturns

    OmniReturns Navigation


    1. In OmniReturns, go to Reporting > Returns Pending review

    2. In the Search field, enter the customer’s email address or the order number

    3. If required, select the retailer

    4. Ensure the date range covers the date the return request was created

    5. Click Search

    6. On the return request you would like to update, click ‘View/Change Review Status’

    7. This will take you to a page with all the return details

  3. The Return Reason and Return Option can be edited at this stage

  4. Notes can be left on the order for future reference in the field “Review Comments”. These will not be shown to the customer

  5. To Approve the return

    1. click Accept

    2. Choose the required option

  6. To Reject the return

    1. click Reject

  7. Click Confirm

  8. If the return was Approved with either Accepted As Customer Paid, Accepted As Retailer Paid an email will be sent to the customer where they can finish creating their return. Otherwise, no email is sent

Customer Portal

Please see desktop and mobile screen shots of the UI relating to review returns.

Return Pending Review

This page will show once the customer submits the return, no payment is taken.
SEKO DEMO will be replaced with the retailer name as entered in OmniReturns





Below are the emails sent as part of the review returns process flow.

Customer Service Notification email

This emails triggers to the nominated email address (Reviewer email address – OmniReturns) for return created which contains a return reason opted in to be reviewed.

Recipient: Customer Service team (or any email address)

Approved Paid Label email

The below email contains a link which will take the customer to the payment page on the return’s portal.

Recipient: Customer who created return



Approved Free label – the customer will receive the shipping label per a standard return

Approved no label – no email communication

Rejected – no email communication

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