Load Sales Orders (iHub.API)
This service is used to create new sales orders in Seko 360.
Compared to the Load Web Sales Orders service, this service includes the 'ShipToCompany' field mapping.
Load Sales Order Parameters
Field | Description | Data Type & Maximum length |
SalesInvoiceNumber | Sales Invoice number. Must be unique. | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
DocumentIdentifier | Used to identify different documents. This code is provided by SEKO. | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
NIFNumber | This will be populated by exception. It will hold a personal taxation code and is needed for shipping to some destinations. | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
SalesOrderNumber | Sales Order Number. Must be unique. | Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
SalesOrderReference | Open reference field | Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
SalesOrderDate | The date as appears on the outbound documentation. If left blank, the date in which the sales order was created will be used. | Datetime |
PurchaseOrderNumber |
| Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
GroupReference |
| Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
OrderType | The type of order. Retail, Wholesale, WorkOrder | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
ShippingTerm |
| Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
ShippingTermLocation |
| Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
ShippingVAT |
| Decimal number |
ShippingExVAT |
| Decimal number |
ShippingTotal |
| Decimal number |
CustomsValueTotal |
| Decimal number |
DiscountPriceTotal |
| Decimal number |
TaxTotal |
| Decimal number |
SubTotal |
| Decimal number |
CurrencyCode |
| Alphanumeric Text - 3 characters |
GiftWrap |
| True or False |
GiftMessage | The message to the person the gift is being sent to. Pick Note will specify "Yes" if a Gift Message is present. | Alphanumeric Text - 500 characters |
GiftMessageFrom | The person the gift is from. | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
GiftMessageTo | The person who the gift is being sent to | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
CourierShopID | Code used during carrier allocation. | Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
CarrierCustomerAccountNo |
| Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
CourierName | Courier the goods should be dispatched on. CourierName accepted values supplied by SEKO. | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
CourierService | Courier service the goods should be dispatched on. CourierService accepted values supplied by SEKO. | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
DeliveryAddressLocationType | Optional - Residential or Business | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
LocationType | Available Stock, Web Stock, Cross Dock | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
OnHold | Related to wholesale, retail environment; build and then send. Order is not sent for picking but available stock is assigned to the order. Release a Sales Order from hold from SEKO 360 or using the Load Release Sales Order from Hold service. | True or False |
ScheduledShipDate |
| DateTime |
ShipmentTerms | Customs and Duties EG: DDP, DDU & DAP are the options. | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
SpecialInstructions | A note to the DC. Found in the Pick Note (Not seen if wave picking is used) | Alphanumeric Text - 4000 characters |
NotificationMethod | Method in which the customer wishes to be Email | Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
Notes | Open notes field that appears on the standard outbound documentation | Alphanumeric Text - 4000 characters |
DoNotPushToDC |
| True or False |
DCCode | SEKO created code that uniquely identifies the DC from other SEKO DC's. This code is supplied by SEKO. Conditional: If more than one DC in use | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
<ShipToCompany> |
BranchCode |
| Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
CompanyCategory |
| Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
CompanyCode | Unique ship to code that can be used to retrieve company details. | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
CompanyDescription | The name of the company delivering to. | Alphanumeric Text - 200 characters |
LookupDeliveryAddress | Retrieves predefined address details saved under defined 'CompanyCode' | True or False |
<DeliveryDetails> |
DeliveryContactIDNumber |
City | City of the delivery contacts address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
ContactCode |
| Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
CountryCode |
| number - 2 characters |
County | County of the delivery contacts address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
EmailAddress | Email address of the delivery contact | Alphanumeric Text - 150 characters |
FirstName | First name of the delivery contact | Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
LastName | Last name of the delivery contact | Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
Line1 | Delivery Address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
Line2 | Delivery Address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
Line3 | Delivery Address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
Line4 | Delivery Address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
PhoneNumber | Phone number of the delivery contact | Number - 20 characters |
PostcodeZip | Postal Code of the delivery contact | Number - 100 characters |
<BillingDetails> |
City | City of the billing contacts address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
ContactCode |
| Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
CountryCode |
| number - 2 characters |
County | County of the billing contacts address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
EmailAddress | Email address of the billing contact | Alphanumeric Text - 150 characters |
FirstName | First name of the billing contact | Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
LastName | Last name of the billing contact | Alphanumeric Text - 50 characters |
Line1 | Billing Address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
Line2 | Billing Address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
Line3 | Billing Address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
Line4 | Billing Address | Alphanumeric Text - 100 characters |
PhoneNumber | Phone no. of the billing contact | Number - 20 characters |
PostcodeZip | Postal Code of the billing contact | Number - 100 characters |
<RetailCompliance> |
Gs1Prefix | GS1 Company Prefix Value | Alphanumeric 20 |
MarkForDcCode | DC Code of individual ship to store | Alphanumeric 64 |
MarkForDcName | Company Name of the individual ship to store store (to be used for cross dock sales orders) | Alphanumeric 128 |
MarkForDcDept | Dept Number of individual ship to store | Alphanumeric 64 |
MarkForDcLine1 | Line1 of the individual ship to store address | Alphanumeric 100 |
MarkForDcLine2 | Line2 of the individual ship to store address | Alphanumeric 100 |
MarkForDcLine3 |
| Alphanumeric 100 |
MarkForDcLine4 |
| Alphanumeric 100 |
MarkForDcCity | City of the individual ship to store | Alphanumeric 50 |
MarkForDcCountyState |
| Alphanumeric 50 |
MarkForDcPostCodeZip | Zip Code of individual ship to store | Alphanumeric 20 |
MarkForDcCountryCode | Country of individual ship to store | Alphanumeric 20 |
PODate | PO Date | DateTime |
ShipByDate | Ship By Date | DateTime |
ShipAfterDate | Ship After Date | DateTime |
ArriveByDate | Arrive By Date | DateTime |
CancelByDate | Cancel By Date | DateTime |
SiteID | Clients Site ID | Alphanumeric 64 |
StoreId | MarkFor SiteID | Alphanumeric 64 |
StoreIdName | Store ID’s Name | Alphanumeric 128 |
ShipToDcCode | MarkFor DC Code – Destination Store | Alphanumeric 64 |
ShipToDcDeptNo | MarkFor Department Number – Destination Store | Alphanumeric 64 |
<SalesOrderLineItem> |
LineNumber | Integer that uniquely identifies a line of an order. Must be more than 0. | Number -8 |
ProductCode | SKU to be dispatched. Must be unique per sales order. There must be available stock on the SKU. | Alphanumeric 100 |
| Alphanumeric 50 |
OrderLineMessage | Non standard requirement Engraving Personalization Gift Cards Embroidery Embossing Packing Instructions | Alphanumeric 250 |
Quantity |
| decimal number |
UnitPrice |
| decimal number |
| decimal number |
CurrencyCode | The currency code of the unit price etc. (ISO-3). Use the same code for the entire order. | Alphanumeric 3 |
StyleCode |
| Alphanumeric 100 |
XML file sample
Standard Template:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
JSON file sample
Standard Template:
"SalesOrder": {
"SalesInvoiceNumber": "string",
"DocumentIdentifier": "string",
"NIFNumber": "string",
"ShippingVAT": 0,
"ShippingExVAT": 0,
"CustomsValueTotal": 0,
"DiscountPriceTotal": 0,
"GiftWrap": true,
"GiftMessage": "string",
"ShippingTerm": "string",
"ShippingTermLocation": "string",
"GiftMessageFrom": "string",
"GiftMessageTo": "string",
"CourierShopID": "string",
"PurchaseOrderNumber": "string",
"GroupReference": "string",
"ShippingTotal": 0,
"TaxTotal": 0,
"SubTotal": 0,
"OrderType": "string",
"CurrencyCode": "string",
"CarrierCustomerAccountNo": "string",
"CourierName": "string",
"CourierService": "string",
"DeliveryAddressLocationType": "string",
"DoNotPushToDC": true,
"GUID": "string",
"LocationType": "string",
"Notes": "string",
"NotificationMethod": "string",
"OnHold": true,
"SalesOrderDate": "2025-01-31T14:25:03.322Z",
"SalesOrderNumber": "string",
"SalesOrderReference": "string",
"ScheduledShipDate": "2025-01-31T14:25:03.322Z",
"ShipmentTerms": "string",
"SpecialInstructions": "string",
"UltimateDestination": "string"
"SalesOrderHeader": {
"DCCode": "string"
"ShipToCompany": {
"BranchCode": "string",
"CompanyCategory": "string",
"CompanyCode": "string",
"CompanyDescription": "string",
"LookupDeliveryAddress": true
"DeliveryDetails": {
"DeliveryContactIDNumber": "string",
"City": "string",
"ContactCode": "string",
"CountryCode": "string",
"County": "string",
"EmailAddress": "string",
"FirstName": "string",
"LastName": "string",
"Line1": "string",
"Line2": "string",
"Line3": "string",
"Line4": "string",
"PhoneNumber": "string",
"PostcodeZip": "string",
"Title": "string"
"BillingDetails": {
"City": "string",
"ContactCode": "string",
"CountryCode": "string",
"County": "string",
"EmailAddress": "string",
"FirstName": "string",
"LastName": "string",
"Line1": "string",
"Line2": "string",
"Line3": "string",
"Line4": "string",
"PhoneNumber": "string",
"PostcodeZip": "string",
"Title": "string"
"RetailCompliance": {
"Gs1Prefix": "string",
"MarkForDcCode": "string",
"MarkForDcName": "string",
"MarkForDcDept": "string",
"MarkForDcLine1": "string",
"MarkForDcLine2": "string",
"MarkForDcLine3": "string",
"MarkForDcLine4": "string",
"MarkForDcCity": "string",
"MarkForDcCountyState": "string",
"MarkForDcPostCodeZip": "string",
"MarkForDcCountryCode": "string",
"PoDate": "2025-01-31T14:25:03.323Z",
"ShipByDate": "2025-01-31T14:25:03.323Z",
"ShipAfterDate": "2025-01-31T14:25:03.323Z",
"ArriveByDate": "2025-01-31T14:25:03.323Z",
"CancelByDate": "2025-01-31T14:25:03.323Z",
"SiteId": "string",
"StoreId": "string",
"StoreName": "string",
"ShipToDcCode": "string",
"ShipToDcDeptNo": "string"
"List": {
"SalesOrderLineItem": [
"UnitDiscountPrice": 0,
"OrderLineMessage": "string",
"SecondaryCurrencyCode": "string",
"SecondaryUnitPrice": 0,
"SecondaryVAT": 0,
"StyleCode": "string",
"ASNNumber": "string",
"CustomsValue": 0,
"Channel": "string",
"CountryCode": "string",
"CurrencyCode": "string",
"EAN": "string",
"ExternalDocumentNo": "string",
"GUID": "string",
"LineNumber": 0,
"LotNo": "string",
"ProductCode": "string",
"Quantity": 0,
"UnitPrice": 0,
"VAT": 0
"TaxItems": [
"Type": "string",
"Value": "string"