6.3 Cost Center Management

6.3 Cost Center Management

This module enables the retailer to manage different brands under one OmniParcel account. By having different cost centres for each brand, the retailer can manage branding, tracking portal customisation, user login rights, tracking portal campaigns etc by cost centre.







Edit cost centre





Name of the cost centre


Short Code

lookup code value for integrated systems. This is optional.


Track & Trace Email Template

This option will allow you to which track & trace emails should be used per cost centre.

Market place adjustments




Market Place



MLC Carrier


Rates adjustments




Markup my Charge Rates



Show cost & markup

Shows both your actual costs and the markup projected charge rates side by side.

Legacy settings for old printing format




Text branding on label

This functionality is no longer in use and will be removed.


Show text branding

This functionality is no longer in use and will be removed.

Carrier Preference




Preferred carrier types

This functionality is no longer in use and will be removed.

Label settings




Print return address

This functionality is no longer in use and will be removed.


Return address

This functionality is no longer in use and will be removed.


Label logo

This functionality is no longer in use and will be removed.

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