6.5 Manage Users

6.5 Manage Users

User roles

OmniParcel has the following user roles:

  1. Full Admin

  2. Standard User

  3. Read Only


Managing user roles

To add new, edit or delete a user, go to Menu > Administrator > Manage users


Adding a new user:

To add a new user, click on add new, then populate the required details. Once done, click “Save user”.

Editing a user:

To edit a user, click on the name for that user. This allows you to change the settings for that user as required. When done, click “Save user”.

Deleting a user:

To delete a user, click on the name for that user. Click “Revoke access and delete user”.


API Key:

Every user will have their own API key as shown in above image, however it’s crucial that you only use the API key as advised by the onboarding team. Using a different API key will cause a no rates error.


Fields explained:





Username / Email

This must be a valid email address and it’s the email address the user will use to log into OmniParcel. This email must be unique and can not be used for any other OmniParcel account.

Full Name

Full name of the user


In the event that you have multiple sites under one account, you need to select which site the new user should have access to.

Default Cost Centre

Assiging a single cost centre to a user ensures that they only have access to the tracking report and consignment creation for that particular cost centre.

A user can be assigned to one or multiple cost centres.

Time zone

Time zone of the user

Set New Password

A user's password can be changed from this screen but admin can not see the old password.

Hide Pricing Details

If this option is set to Yes, user cannot see the pricing at the time of consignment creation.