WMS - Add Sales Orders

WMS - Add Sales Orders

Video Tutorial with Audio

How to Create Sales Order.mp4
How to Create Sales Order in Seko360

How to Create Sales Order

  1. Click Add Sales Order under Sales Channel Menu

  2. Fill out "Ship to" and Billing Details

  3. Fill out Order Details

  4. Click SAVE. A message will appear that "Record successfully added"

  5. In the items tab, Add Order Item/Product and Order Qty

  6. Press ADD and repeat to add multiple items

  7. Click SAVE. A message will appear that "Record successfully updated"

  8. Optional: Add Noted and Intructions for the Order

  9. Click Save everytime you made changes.

  10. Click "Back to List" Record will appear under "To be Committed" tab.


  1. Manually Create SO (via web in Seko 360) > goes in “To be COMMITTED” status > move to “COMMITTED”> Create DISPATCH request
  1. Upload file via iHub Service (Load Sales Order) >Automatically Updates to COMMITTED status >Automatically creates DISPATCH request. >Can also automatically create "Ship To" companies on the fly when settings ( AllowShipToCompanyCreate) is enabled.


Note: Ship to Details are populated from the DATA entered/uploaded below:

  1. via Seko 360 web - Admin menu>Companies>Ship To

  2. via iHub - Upload file>Load Companies or Load Sales Order (on the fly “ship to” creation)

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