WMS - Sales Order
WMS - Sales Order
Displays Orders added in the System (via Seko 360 web or via iHub)
You will be able to SEARCH, SORT/FILTER, EXPORT DATA on sales Order in this sub-menu.
A. SEARCH by SO number or SO Creation Date on the Search Panel
Click the Header arrow icon to Sort columns in ascending or descending order (List is sorted by Create Date and SO number by default 1 & 2 respectively).
Funnel Icon on Column Header allows you to choose which columns you want to appear or remove by checking/unchecking the box under “Column” list.
You can also Filter Data by choosing condition under “Filter” list.
C. EXPORT Click Export icon (Upper right of Search Panel) to Download DATA in Excel, pdf, CSV or XML format
Sales Orders sub-menu loads 6 Tabs: