Assign Retail Order to Door

When an order is sent to SEKO from the client JASCI applies outbound logic which allows the order to follow the correct picking and packing flow. An

If the order is assigned a work type TRUCKLOAD or PALLET PICK the operator follows the steps below to assign the order(s) to a door. If the order(s) are not assigned to a ‘Door’ the orders are not released to the floor for picking.

Step 1: Assign Order to Door

  • The operator will select ‘View Point Load’ dashboard in JASCI

  • The operator will then select a door (a staging location in the warehouse for the order)

  • The operator will select the ‘Assign Route Option’

    • The ‘Assign Route Option’ allows the users to select an order or multiple orders to be assigned to the same door for staging.

  • The operator selects the order(s) to be staged

    • If the order(s) are already assigned to a door and do not have the same route (carrier), JASCI prompts the operator to confirm is the routes are mixed

      • Mixed Routes Confirmed, JASCI updates orders to an ‘OPEN’ status and assigns the selected ‘Door’

      • Mixed Routes Not Confirmed, JASCI returns the operator to select order(s) to assign

    • If the order(s) are already assigned to a door and do have the same routes (carrier), JASCI updates orders to an ‘OPEN’ status and assigns the selected ‘Door’

  • If the selected orders are not assigned to any ‘Door’, JASCI updates orders to an ‘OPEN’ status and assigns the selected ‘Door’

  • This completes the Door/Route Assignment action