Load Order to Truck

The JASCI load truck function allows the operator to scan the outbound Order or LPNs on the order to confirm all product has been loaded. A truck will need to be assigned to the door before the orders can be loaded.

The operator will follow the steps below:

  • The operator selects ‘Load Truck’ from the mobile menu and scan the ‘Door’ (B)

  • The operator scans/enters the outbound order number or LPN (A)

    • If an incorrect order/LPN is scanned, JASCI will prompt the user to scan/enter a valid order/LPN

    • If the order/LPN is correct but the order has not been staged and is not ready to be loaded, JASCI will prompt the user to scan/enter a valid order/LPN

  • The operator load the order to the truck

  • JASCI marks the order as loaded to truck in the system

  • If there are no more orders to be loaded onto the truck, the operator will scan the next ‘door’ with orders to be loaded (B)

  • If there are more orders to be loaded onto the truck, the operator will scan the next order/LPN to be loaded (A)