Pallet Pick

LTL/FTL orders may require full pallet picks. If an order calls for full pallet quantities, the operator will follow the steps below:

Step 1: Pick Product

  • The operator selects ‘Order Pick’ on the handheld device and scans/enters the ‘Door(C)

    • If the ‘Door’ scanned/entered does not have any open orders, the operator is returned to scan/enter a valid ‘door’

  • The operator scans/enters the work zone

    • If the work zone is not valid, the system returns the user to scan/enter a valid work zone

  • JASCI displays the pick location and the operator scans the location (A)

    • If the location is not correct, the system returns the user to scan/enter the correct location

  • JASCI will display the product to pick

    • If the product is not correct, the system returns the user to scan/enter the correct product

  • If the required product is not in the location, the operator can select ‘Cut’ and JASCI will mark the order as ‘Trouble’ (B)

    • If the product is in stock in another location, JASCI will redirect the operator to the next location with available inventory (not sure if this is in phase I of the flows)

  • If the required product is in the location, the operator scans the LPN and JASCI confirms pick and assigns pallet LPN to work

    • If the LPN is not correct the operator is prompted to scan a valid LPN

  • JASCI displays the ‘Drop Off’ location and the operator confirms the ‘Drop off’

    • The drop off location is the staging location associated with the dock door the order was assigned to in View Point Load.

  • If all pick are complete, the operator returns to part (C)

  • If there are more picks under the ‘Door’, the operator is returned to part (A)