FedEx & UPS Small Parcel Accounting Policies

FedEx & UPS Small Parcel Accounting Policies

[BCC: All US CW1 Active Users, seko.domestic-operations]



FedEx & UPS Small Parcel Accounting Policies



Hello SEKO! This send out and subsequent webinars are directed towards all US SEKO employees that work with FedEx or UPS in any capacity in REDNA or CargoWise One –



The main issue/driver for these changes and re-launch of this SOP is that the carriers have started implementing an 8% late fee of the TOTAL invoice amount, and SEKO has been hit with these large late fees…


Changes and Key Highlights:

  1. Disputing with these carriers has to be done online or calling into the carrier (UPS, FedEx) More details are on the attached SOP.

    1. When disputing is done correctly, it puts the items on hold and prevents late fees from occurring.

  2. We will be paying the carriers in full, based on pay terms – this will result in charge backs to the stations immediately and automatically.

  3. Datamart change: These Parcel carriers are still in Datamart – the station local account number will be referenced on all carrier invoices that appear in Datamart, and bill numbers not found will now appear on the station review page. Stations will have full visibility in: demand not covered, charges not found, and bill not found.

  4. For UPS, SEKO must pay in full regardless of the dispute, that is their policy. So, any incorrect charges need to be entered properly in the operating system. Then the station needs to file a dispute, and when a credit is issued that credit can then be applied to the file by SEKO Accounting.


What Should I Be Doing Differently Knowing This?:

  1. For FedEx On Datamart: be sure to be selecting the dispute option on Datamart if you have properly disputed with FedEx.

  2. For UPS On Datamart: cost most be posted in full in REDNA or CargoWise, dispute properly with UPS, in Datamart DO NOT select dispute, you must select pay in full.

  3. For credits to be applied to REDNA and/or CargoWise:

    1. REDNA – open a ticket on Corporate Operations Support Portal to have the charges adjusted, if finalized.

    2. CargoWise – enter and post the credit yourselves - and email ap_parcelaccounts@sekologistics.com

  4. You should be receiving a report from Freight Optics/Zero Down for both UPS and FedEx if you did business the prior week EVERY Tuesday. If you are NOT receiving this report and you think you should than email ap_parcelaccounts@sekologistics.com. This report needs to be set up to go to a group email and not individuals.

  5. Any new accounts to be set up for UPS or FedEx need to go through Frank Parisi first. So, the accounts get set up properly downstream.

  6. Do NOT use another stations account. If you need assistance for credentials to your account, please contact Corporate Operations Support Portal


Event Name



Announcements To The Field


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