WMS - Rollback

WMS - Rollback

Rollback History

Logistics Menu > Dispatch > Rollback

  • Dispatch Rollback is a feature that lets you reverse a dispatch that has been marked as “Pick Complete ''. It changes the status back to “To be Picked”.

  • It will undo all the Picks and automatically put the stock back into its original location and licence plate.

  • Users can print a “Dispatch Rollback“ document that shows the details of the picks that were reversed.

  • Rollback screen shows a full history of rollbacks performed in the DC including the Dispatch details, who performed the rollback and the date. This helps keep track of what changes were made.




Create New Rollback

  • Click the “Create New” button.

  • Scan the Dispatch Barcode of the Dispatch user’s want to roll back.

    • The status of the Dispatch must be “Pick Complete”.

    • Rollback must be done BEFORE packing.

    • Users cannot rollback a dispatch with a pending cancellation.

  • Click the “Next” button to proceed.

  • Rollback screen will display the Dispatch Lines and Picked Lines.

The Dispatch On Hold is default to YES. It will automatically put the dispatch on hold after the rollback is performed.

This will allow users to investigate any stock issues and ensure the dispatch that has just been rolled back does not automatically go into the next wave that is created.


Rollback NEW.gif

Print Document

  • To print the created “Dispatch Rollback” Document, the user must click the “Print” icon

    • Please note if the dispatch was fully short shipped there is no document to print as no lines would have been picked so no stock would have been rolled back into stock.

View Dispatch Rollback

  • To view the created rollback dispatch, the user must click the “View” icon

Suspended Licence Plates

If a line item was short shipped during Wave Picking, the Licence Plate is automatically suspended so other picks are not directed to this licence plate and it can be investigated.

To Unsuspend the Licence Plate, Navigate to Logistics → Wave Picking → Suspended Licence Plates

  1. Select the Licence Plate.

  2. Click the “Unsuspend” button.

  3. To continue with the dispatch rollback, the user must click the “OK” button, if not, the user must click the “Cancel” button.

  4. Once the user confirms the rollback, it will undo all the Picks and put the stock back into its original location and licence plate.

See Also: https://seko.atlassian.net/wiki/x/JRR0qQ