Configuration (Order Pick Pack)

Configuration (Order Pick Pack)

Navigate On the Menu Logistics → Order Pick Pack → Configuration

This Menu item is only visible if user has access and permission.


This will list all the Clients in the current DC that have been configured to use “Order Picking and Packing”

To Create New Client Configuration:

  1. Click the “Create New” button.

  2. Enter the Required details for a specific Client.

This includes the Pick Pack Method, SKU Type (if required), GS1 Prefix, Temp Bin Label setting and Dispatch on Close Pack.

  1. click the Save button. Once done, you have successfully created the configuration.

  2. Use Edit and Delete functions if there are NO active picks or packs in that configuration yet. Complete these before editing/deleting the configuration.

GS1 Prefix is A unique company prefix that complies with GS1 Standards. This will be used when generating the Dispatch Carton Labels (SSCC).

Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) can be used by companies to identify a logistic unit, which can be any combination of trade items packaged together for storage and/ or transport purposes; for example a case, pallet or parcel.

  • Dispatch on Close Pack

This setting determines what status to set the dispatch to to on “Close Order”

Yes = Status is changed to “Dispatched”. No more changes can be made and the Dispatch is complete.

No = Status is changed to “To Dispatch”. Further changes can still be made to the Dispatch such as assigning a carrier reference.

order PickPack config.gif


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