WMS - Mobile SKU Packing

WMS - Mobile SKU Packing


“SKU Packing” gives users the ability to use the mobile device to pack dispatches by scanning each SKU in the dispatch. The number of times a SKU is scanned depends on the quantity of each dispatch line.

It is the mobile version of the front end module “Web Order Packing”.

It allows users to pack standard dispatches as well as dispatches that have additional requirements such as building kits, capturing serial numbers or packing to multiple boxes.


The following permission controls access to “SKU Packing” on the mobile device:

  • “Mobile Admin” role

    • Mobile → Dispatches → SKU Packing

01 - Permission.png

Mobile Device

With the above “SKU Packing” permission assigned to a users role, they will have access to the “SKU Packing” menu item on the mobile device:

02 - SKU Packing Mobile Menu.png

Dispatch Selection

  • The user has 2 options to select a Dispatch to pack:

    • Scan a Dispatch Barcode which will take them directly to this dispatch.

    • Select a Client from a drop down and click the “Load Dispatches” button and manually select a dispatch to pack.

  • In both cases only dispatches that match the following will be able to be selected:

    • Current DC

    • Selected Client (If the user selects a Client)

    • Dispatch Status of “Pick Complete“

    • Not Cancelled OR Pending Cancelled

  • If the user clicks “Load Dispatches“ then dispatches are ordered by Create Date so the oldest dispatches are displayed first.




Capture Dispatch Box Type

Seko 360 has a setting that forces users to capture the Dispatch Box Type they are using when packing items into boxes.

See the following Confluence Document:

If this setting is enabled for a Client, the user must first scan the Box Type to use BEFORE they scan the SKU.

Once the user scans a valid Box Type, they can then move onto the “Scan SKU” process.

If there is NO requirement to capture Box Types for the current Client, then the user will move straight to the “Scan SKU” process.


Seko 360 allow users to build kits on the fly if the requested kits are not in stock but the components that make up the kit are in stock.

If the dispatch has any kits that need to be built on the fly, Seko 360 will display an info message to the user informing them of this.

  • Users cannot pack components that make up one kit into different dispatch boxes.

    • If they do they will receive an error:

      • “You cannot pack kit components in different boxes.“


Insufficient components to build Kit

  • Users need to perform a Dispatch Rollback and ensure there is sufficient component products to build the requested kit.


Scan SKU

User needs to scan a valid Product Code or EAN for the line that is being packed.


Capture Serial Numbers

If the dispatch has any products that require serial numbers to be captured, Seko 360 will show a “Scan Serial No” textbox AFTER the user has successfully scanned a SKU.


Successful Pack

After the first SKU is successfully packed, users will have some additional options available.



This will remove the last record packed by the user.

Abandon Pack

This will remove ALL records already packed so the user can start the packing process again for the current dispatch.

New Box

A user MUST scan at least one item into a box before they can click the “New Box” button.

Clicking “New Box” will mean SKU’s packed from this point onwards will go into the new box. This will continue until either the user clicks “New Box” again or the dispatch is fully packed.

If the current Dispatch has a pre-allocated Carrier Label, Seko 360 will automatically call the current Carrier and generate new carrier labels for the current dispatch. This will happen on Pack Complete.

If the user clicks the “New box” button AND the client is enabled to Capture Dispatch Box Types then again they must first scan the “Box Type” and only once they have done this can they then the “Scan SKU”.



System Generated Documents
If a client is using “Integrated Dispatch Note“ or the “Integrated Empty Dispatch Note“ documents, “system generated documents” will be used for the wave.

If a Dispatch is packed to multiple boxes, it will require the “system generated documents” to be re-generated again.

Seko 360 shows a message to remind the user to do this:


Pack Complete / All Lines Packed

Once all SKU’s have been packed for the Dispatch, the “Pack Complete” button will be displayed.


Clicking the Pack Complete button will perform the following actions:

  • If the dispatch has a pre-allocated carrier label

    • If short shipped:

      • If carrier supports delete, Seko 360 will first delete the pre-allocated carrier label and generate a new carrier label

      • If the carrier does NOT support delete, Seko 360 will attempt to generate a new carrier label

    • If NOT short shipped AND the carrier requires manifesting:

      • Seko 360 will call an update to the carrier to set the date of the dispatch to the next manifest date so it will be included in the next manifest run.

    • Automatically sends the Carrier Labels(s) for the current Dispatch to the Print Server when all required conditions are met. See below section that describes this.


The user is redirected back to the “SKU Packing” dispatch selection page and a “Pack Successful” message is displayed:


Automated Printing of Carrier Labels

Seko 360 automatically sends the Carrier Labels(s) for the current Dispatch to the Print Server when the following conditions are met:

  • Pack Complete is called successfully with no error

  • The Dispatch has a Carrier Label

  • The call to the TMS after Pack Complete is successful

  • There are NO System Generated documents

    • System Generated documents relate to the work done on Printing up Front and refer to dispatches that have either the “Integrated Dispatch Note” or the “Integrated Empty Dispatch Note“

    • The users will already have the Carrier Label on the integrated document so there is no need to print it again.

  • The user has a “Label Printer“ setup on “Printing → My Printers”

Dispatch fully short picked

If nothing was picked for the Dispatch (fully short picked), then there is nothing to pack for the user so they can click the “Pack Complete” button to complete the process.


System Generated Documents
If a client is using “Integrated Dispatch Note“ or the “Integrated Empty Dispatch Note“ documents, “system generated documents” will be used for the wave.

If a Dispatch is short picked, it will require the “system generated documents” to be re-generated again.

Seko 360 shows a message to remind the user to do this:

Carrier performing essential maintenance

Users will temporarily not be able to pack a dispatch if the Carrier for the dispatch is currently conducting essential maintenance

  • During this time Seko 360 cannot call the Carrier as they will return an error.

Dispatch Packed using another process

A dispatch that has been packed using another process CANNOT be packed using SKU Packing

  • Seko 360 has checks in place to ensure a user does not start packing using one process and then another user attempts to start packing the same dispatch using another process.


Dispatch picked to a Temp Bin

A dispatch picked to a Temp Bin CANNOT be packed using SKU Packing

  • Users need to pack from the Temp Bins using the “Order Packing” module on the mobile device.



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