WMS - Web Order Packing

WMS - Web Order Packing

  1. Navigate to Logistics Tab> Dispatch Menu> Web Order Packing

  2. Scan the barcode of the picked item, then click the next button.

  3. Scan or enter the product code of the items to be pack on the middle box.

  4. Repeat until complete. (Percentage completion is shown)

  5. Click the “Complete process” button.

  6. Page will show “Completed” and may print the following documents by clicking these buttons:

    Print Box Labels

    Print Packing List

    Print Commercial Invoice

    Print Dispatch Note

  7. If Order Requires Gift Card, “Print Gift Message” button will be included.

  8. To assign Carrier, click the “Allocate Carrier” button and it will direct to the carrier allocation page.

If Order is using TMS, Carrier Label will be displayed or printed.

8. To pack the next order, click the Pack Next Order button.



WebOrderPack rev.gif